Hey everybody, here is the second instalment of our coverage of the 2019 Tyndale House Conference. Yesterday I posted some commentary and a photo essay on Day 1 (well, actually it was Day 3 since the conference began on Monday, but NT and Biblical Theology took up the second half of the week). We hope these enable you to virtually travel to Cambridge and taste the experience of being here. Stay tuned for the final day of the conference, to be posted tomorrow!
Desmond Alexander opens Thursday morning prayers.Delegates engaged in morning prayers.Lexham Press was on-location (we are accepting proposals!).Armin Baum presenting, Parallel Letters in the Corpus Paulinum: Insights from Ancient Analogies, Ancient Literary Theory and Modern Memory Research.Armin Baum takes questions from the floor.Coffee breaks are a good time to explore the grounds of Wolfson College.The accommodations at Wolfson College were ideal, especially because this bell didn’t actually ring in the morning.Desmond Alexander speaking on The Exodus as a Paradigm of Salvation.Delegates walk the grounds on the way to lunch.The best discussions always took place over a cup of coffee.Anthony Royle presents his research on Orality in the Composition of Citations in Paul’s Letters.Theological dialogues begun in the seminars are usually picked up again at meal times.Andrew Malone discusses Contributions of Hebrews to a Biblical Theology of Salvation.Andrew Malone takes questions from the floor.Anthony Petterson gives the Biblical Theology Tyndale Lecture, entitled, Salvation and the New Covenant in the Book of the Twelve.Petterson takes questions from the floor during Q&A.As the sun set on Day 2, we retired to our beds or the pub in anticipation of the finale on Friday.
Dr. Tavis Bohlinger is the Creative Director at Reformation Heritage Books. He holds a PhD from Durham University and writes across multiple genres, including academia, poetry, and screenwriting. He lives in Grand Rapids with his wife and three children.