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Raysd: A New Online Magazine Engaging Contemporary Culture

Today’s post is by Jessi Gering, editor of Raysd.

The world we live in is constantly changing—from technological developments, to the forming of new countries, to swiftly-moving culture trends. Raysd is a new online magazine that offers a Christian perspective on culture around the globe.

We want to create dialogue—to talk about the best way to live in community, and to effect change in the world. How should Christians interact with culture? What does my faith change about the way I live my life? Why should I be different?

We are excited to bring you these stories.

Here’s what you can expect from each issue:

  •  Feature stories on Christian leaders, influential organizations who are changing their communities, and corporations or groups who can offer perspective on the Christian life.
  •  Movie, music, and book reviews. We’re on the hunt for the best of pop culture.
  •  Free music downloads. Be sure to check back frequently—we’ll have a new download available each week.
  •  Articles on Arts, Faith, and Culture. Regular sections where contributors write about the arts, faith, current developments in culture, and life in the global community.

In this inaugural issue, Donald Miller sits down to discuss his approach to the Bible, and how Scripture influences his writing. Miller—well-known for his relatable honesty—talks about where he draws permission to be vulnerable and open in his writing.

Check out our profile on non-profit group Invisible Children. IC spokesperson Alex Collins recaps where the organization has been, how they’ve grown from independent filmmakers to national policy influencers, and how they continue to advocate on behalf of the neglected in East Africa.

And blogger and writer Jeff Goins takes a look at Zappos’ corporate culture and customer service policies. He discusses what the Church can learn from an internet shoe conglomerate.

Once you’ve browsed our features, check out our regular articles to find out how Apple technology has influenced the persecuted church, how Pamela Crane, the Africa Field Manager for Blood: Water Mission, fosters community while on the move, and which cover album, released earlier this year, may be this year’s best .

Please enjoy, engage, share, comment, and become part of the Raysd community.

Written by
Logos Staff

Logos is the largest developer of tools that empower Christians to go deeper in the Bible.

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Written by Logos Staff