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Navigating Bibles in Logos 4

One of the things I love about Logos 4 is how easy it is to navigate in Bibles. Are you aware of how easy it can be?

Let’s start assuming you’re in Romans 2:1.

Now, let’s say you want to move to Romans 2:22.

In the old days, you’d either have to re-type the whole reference (Ro 2.22) or you’d need to select the 1 with your mouse and re-type ’22’ over it. But now? Just type in ’22’ and Logos 4 assumes you mean verse 22 in the current book/chapter:

That’s pretty cool. What if you want to move to Romans 5:6, though? Just type in the parts of the reference that have changed (here “5.6”) and Logos 4 assumes you mean chapter 5 verse 6 in the current book.

You may also have noticed that I used a full-stop ‘.’ instead of the colon ‘:’ to separate verses. Either is fine. Logos 4 actually recognizes a number of different verse separators … even a space! So for the last example, you could have done ‘5 6’. No more right-pinkie-finger extensions to hit the SHIFT key. That makes it even better!

Written by
Rick Brannan

Rick Brannan is a Data Wrangler for Faithlife. He manages a team that creates and maintains linguistic databases and other analyses of the Hebrew Bible, the Greek New Testament, the Septuagint, and writings of the Second Temple era. He resides in Bellingham with his wife, Amy, their daughter, Ella, and their son, Lucas.

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Written by Rick Brannan