Logos Secret Weapon: The Command Bar

Logos 4 has a powerful secret weapon in its arsenal. Are you taking advantage of it?

Using Logos 4 is incredibly simple: enter a passage and click “Go.” But for the times when you want to perform a more specific task, like opening an individual title or searching a particular book, there is a faster way.

Enter the command bar.

While this tool has been in Logos for a while, few users take advantage of its features. The command bar lets you perform any task within Logos simply by typing it, from database updates to searching specific titles to accessing help files. So let’s explore some ways that the command bar can be used to help speed up Bible study.

Jump Straight to Any Resource

Have a specific book or translation you want to quickly reference? Just type in the title and hit enter. Logos instantly brings up the book. You can even enter the abbreviated name and Logos is smart enough to figure out what you want.

Want to jump right into a particular passage without performing a search? Simply type any Scripture passage into the command bar and it will open in your preferred Bible.

Curious to see how the NIV or NASB renders a particular passage? Instead of searching for it in your library and then browsing to the passage, simply type “open {Translation} to {Passage}“. For example, typing the following would bring up Romans 8 in the NIV:

open NIV to Romans 8

Not sure what the abbreviation for your chosen translation is? No problem. Simply type out the name according to the syntax above and a drop-down menu will appear listing the available resources. It’s that simple.

Perform Instant Word Searches

Looking to find every instance of faith in your Top Bibles or even all of your resources? Just type faith into the command bar and select the resources you want to search from the drop-down menu.

Quickly Copy Any Resource

Want to copy a specific Bible verse to share with your friends or use in your sermon preparation? Easy. Just type “copy {Passage} from {Translation}“. Typing the following would copy Romans 8:1-4 to your clipboard, ready to be pasted into the destination of your choice:

copy Romans 8:1-4 from ESV

Quickly Perform Biblical People, Places, and Things Searches

Want to learn more about the life of Abraham? Curious about Jesus’ genealogy? Not sure where Corinth is located? The command box lets you directly perform Biblical People, Places, and Things searches by typing in the following command:

Open Biblical People to {Person Name}
Open Biblical Places to {Place Name}
Open Biblical Things to {Thing Name}

Quickly Search the Help Files

Not sure how to use the syntax search? Need some assistance with collections? By typing “help on {Topic}“, Logos quickly opens the help files for any given subject matter. For example, typing the following would search Logos help for entries on collections:

help on collections

By taking the time to learn how to use the command box, the powerful tools of Logos 4 will be just a few keystrokes away. If you are interested in learning about the other commands available, check out Logos’ Wiki.

Have some favorite commands you would like to share?

Written by
Corey Decker
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Written by Corey Decker