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Quickly Look Up the Meaning of a Biblical Name

Usually in western culture we don’t give a lot of attention to a person’s name. It’s just a label to distinguish him / her from someone else. For example, I have the name Morris so you won’t confuse me with my father Adie or my brother Bill. Is there really any significance to the name Morris as opposed to Richard or Justin? Probably not.

You perhaps know, though, in biblical times, people’s names quite often revealed something about their character or marked some significant event in their lives.

For example, the names, Abraham, Sarah, and Isaac spoke volumes about these people. Thus, when studying a passage containing a person’s name, it’s important we discover its meaning.

The resource, The Exhaustive Dictionary of Bible Names, contained in most Logos base collections, helps us uncover that meaning.  Here’s a quick way to jump to a brief definition of a biblical person’s name in that book:

  • Open the Library
  • Click Prioritize in the upper right hand corner of the Library (1)
  • Enter the name of the book in the Library’s Find box: The Exhaustive Dictionary of Bible Names (2)
  • Right click on the name of the resource (3)
  • Select Prioritize this resource (4)
  • Drag this resource in the Prefer these resources list on the right so that it’s one of the top five topical books (Bible dictionaries, topical Bibles, etc.) in the list
  • Close the Library
  • Open an English Bible to a passage containing a person’s name such as Genesis 17:15 (5 & 6)
  • Right click on a person’s name in the verse such as Abraham (7)
  • Select on the right menu Selection “name” such as Selection Abraham (8)
  • Select on the right menu The Exhaustive Dictionary of Bible Names (9)

Logos 4: Quickly Look Up Names

Logos 4: Quickly Look Up Names

This resource opens to a very brief definition of the biblical name! If you need more information about the person, click the plus sign ( + ) to the right of the resource’s tab and click a book in the list.

What biblical name has been meaningful in your life? Are you named after a particular biblical person?

Written by
Morris Proctor

Morris Proctor (1961–2023) was a certified trainer for Logos Bible Software and founder of MP Seminars. Morris trained thousands of Logos users at his two-day Camp Logos seminars, and his team continues to provide many training materials.

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Written by Morris Proctor