John 3:16 is probably the most talked-about verse in the entire Bible—and one of the most memorized verses in the entire world. We’ve encountered it painted on the face of famous athletes, written on the walls of national monuments, and even yelled from megaphones.
In biblical times, Jewish males were required to study the Torah (Deuteronomy 5:1). When they did so diligently, they often learned large portions by heart.
In comparison, from the first day a child enters Sunday school, they’re trained and encouraged to memorize stand-alone verses that go along with the teacher’s lessons. Although powerful verses like John 3:16 are packed with biblical truth, they alone aren’t enough to sustain our faith in Jesus over a lifetime.
I say this to encourage you to memorize as much Scripture as you can, allowing it to resonate transformatively in your mind. Although memorization alone won’t magically make you a better Christian, the process will definitely help you throughout your spiritual journey.
Having a mental file cabinet of Scripture will not only help you reference Jesus’ teachings in conversation—it’ll allow you to engage in deeper conversations with believers and nonbelievers alike.
This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. (Joshua 1:8)
I recommend that you try to memorize three to four Bible verses per month. Not sure where to start? Use the Faithlife Study Bible to search by topic.
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