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It’s Not Too Late to Register for BibleTech:2011!

We are about a month away from another exciting BibleTech event. But don’t worry, there is still time to register! You don’t need to miss a moment of the informative sessions we have planned.

There has been an exciting last minute addition to the BibleTech line up. Scott Magdalein, the product manager for YouVersion, will be talking to us about how YouVersion has reached almost 15 million people with a full time staff of only 10—and over 150 actively engaged volunteers!

Scott will share with with us some of the insights they have gained from engaging their volunteers. We will look at YouVersion’s:

  • Existing volunteer roles
  • Future volunteer roles
  • How YouVersion enlists volunteers
  • How YouVersion manages volunteers in different job capacities
  • Where they can improve and who they’re learning from

All of BibleTech’s presenters come from a diverse background of educators, programmers, developers, publishers, executives and ministry leaders. This diversity provides a well-rounded platform from which to speak about the number of ways that technology is influencing how we approach and study the Scriptures.

So don’t miss out! BibleTech:2011 will be held in Seattle, WA, March 25–26. Registration is only $159.95 and gets you access to twenty-eight presentations, three catered meals, a conference T-shirt, and the chance get to know fellow Bible and technology fanatics!

If you have attended a past BibleTech event—or want to—tell us about it!

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Logos Staff

Logos is the largest developer of tools that empower Christians to go deeper in the Bible.

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Written by Logos Staff