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How to Find Every Time Peter Addresses Jesus Directly

Throughout the Bible, there are conversations or dialog that the Logos team calls Reported Speech. In a previous version of the software, the Speakers in the speech were identified, and now in Logos 7 the Addressees have been tagged, too!

Perhaps we think, and rightly so, that we don’t need assistance identifying senders and receivers in a conversation. A simple reading of the biblical passage usually reveals that information.

The real value of labeling Speakers and Addressees, however, lies in searching! For example, traditionally we say Peter speaks up to Jesus when others tend to remain silent. In Logos 7 we can test that claim by easily and quickly find where Peter speaks to Jesus.

Try this:

  • Open to passage in an interlinear Bible in which Peter is addressing Jesus such as the ESV to Matthew 16:16 (A)
  • Right-click on the word God (B)
  • Select from the right side of the context menu Peter SPEAKER (C)
  • Select from the left side of the context menu Search this resource (D)

logos tutoriallogos tutorial on how to find where Peter addresses Jesus

  • Right click on the word God again (E)
  • Select from the right side of the context menu Jesus ADDRESSEE (F)
  • Select from the left side of the context menu Search this resource (G)

logos tutorial on how to find where Peter addresses Jesus

  • Notice there are two search panels open (H)

Logos tutorial

  • Copy and paste the search query from the second one into the other so that the query now looks like this: {Speaker <Person Peter>} {Addressee <Person Jesus>} (I)
  • Press the Enter key to generate the search results (J)

logos tutorial on how to find where Peter addresses Jesus

You’re now looking at the verses in the Bible in which Peter is addressing Jesus!

For complete explanations of all new Logos 7 features please check out our What’s New in Logos 7 Training Manual!

In addition, for a fast and fun way to unleash the power of Logos, consider attending an upcoming Camp Logos training seminar in Murfreesboro, TN December 5 – December 7.

Written by
Morris Proctor

Morris Proctor (1961–2023) was a certified trainer for Logos Bible Software and founder of MP Seminars. Morris trained thousands of Logos users at his two-day Camp Logos seminars, and his team continues to provide many training materials.

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Written by Morris Proctor