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Day One of the St Andrews Atonement Symposium 2018

Photos by Tavis Bohlinger

Yesterday we published a recap of the St Andrews Atonement Symposium 2018 written by Justin Duff, one of the three outstanding organizers of the event. Today and the rest of this week theLAB will publish an extended photo essay of the Symposium, as a means to enable our readers to participate (virtually) in what has become one of the highlights of the conference season every other year.

Day One featured plenary addresses by Christian Eberhart (University of Houston) and Deborah Rooke (University of Oxford), with the first of three parallel sessions set in between and a delightful wine reception to conclude the day. Enjoy the photos, and stay tuned for Day Two and Day Three the rest of this week.

The 3rd St Andrews Symposium was opened by its organizers(in order), Max Botner, Simon DĂĽrr, and Justin Duff, in Lower College Hall, an immaculate venue in one of the most stunning locations in Scotland, the University of St Andrews.
Christian Eberhart delivers the opening plenary, “Atonement: Amid the Alamo and the Avatar.”
Christian Eberhard takes questions from the audience in the Q&A following his plenary address.
Outside of Lower College Hall, Scott Hafemann and Tom Wright head to the first of the parallel sessions.
Konrad Otto, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, delivers a paper on “The Concept of Salvation Between Exegetical Theology and Theological Exegesis in 2 Cor 2:14–4:6” in the first Pauline Literature session.
Markus Nikkanen, University of Aberdeen, speaks on “Κοινωνία in the Blood and Body of Christ and Sacred Sacrificial Bonds (1 Cor 10:16)” in the first Pauline Literature session.
Deborah Rooke, University of Oxford, delivers the second plenary address, “Sin, Sacrifice, but No Salvation: When the Circle Cannot Be Completed.”
Deborah Rooke engages with the audience in her post-plenary Q&A.
The wine reception was kept going strong by a number of happy stragglers before they heading out to join the rest of the attendees for dinner in St Andrews.

There’s more to see in Day Two and Day Three of the St Andrews Atonement Symposium, only here on theLAB.

Written by
Tavis Bohlinger

Dr. Tavis Bohlinger is the Creative Director at Reformation Heritage Books. He holds a PhD from Durham University and writes across multiple genres, including academia, poetry, and screenwriting. He lives in Grand Rapids with his wife and three children.

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Written by Tavis Bohlinger