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Mark Dever Explains How to Grow a Healthy Church

image of church members studying the bible for a post about healthy church members

In the new issue of Bible Study Magazine, we sat down with Mark Dever to learn how to put our churches on the road to spiritual health. But where to start? Read on to discover the first steps every church must take.

You can read the whole interview in the May–June issue. Get Bible Study Magazine for only $19.99 when you subscribe today!

Mark Dever on developing healthy churches

Pastor and author Mark Dever has dedicated his ministry to building and encouraging healthy churches. He warns that developing a healthy church can take years.

It’s not like a light switch that can just be turned on. The process is as varied as an individual beginning to work toward health. But, generically speaking, churches should begin to preach God’s Word expositionally, regularly, and faithfully from the pulpit. Begin to understand what a church is, what church membership is, and what it means to join a local church. Begin to encourage growth and discipleship. A healthy church should always be clear on what the Bible actually teaches—particularly about the gospel, conversion, and evangelism.

Read our full interview with Mark Dever here!

Jules Martinez: Re-Evangelism in Puerto Rico


I think we still struggle with illiteracy of the whole story of the Bible. People often tell me that they know what the gospel is and that there’s nothing new for them to learn there. You know what? You never will be able to graduate from the gospel. There’s no ‘next level’ of Christianity beyond that. The gospel is sufficient to encompass all your life and eternity. And it’s complex enough to keep you amazed at what God is doing in Christ to reconcile all things to himself.

Read the full interview here!

This issue of Bible Study Magazine is packed with content that will transform your Bible study.

You’ll get an interview with Mark Dever on building healthy churches, an eight-week Bible study on 1 Peter, an exploration of the themes of 1 Samuel, book reviews, a devotional, and so much more!


Subscribe today for just $19.99—that’s over 30% off the cover price!

Written by
Naomi Deviny
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Written by Naomi Deviny