Hyperlink Unrecognizable Bible References

As you probably know, contained within the recent release of Logos  4.3 is the Personal Books tool, which allows you to convert your .docx files into Logos resources. Our team here at MP Seminars has posted numerous QuickClip videos to help you get started in building your books. I also wanted to provide written instructions in this blog.

If your .docx file contains recognizable Bible references, Logos will  automatically hyperlink them when it builds your personal book.

For example, if the following sentence is in your document, Logos will automatically hyperlink John 3:16:

The most famous verse in all of Scripture is John 3:16.

Since John 3:16 is recognizable as a Bible reference, Logos does all the work to hyperlink it. Here are other examples of recognizable Bible references:

  • John 3
  • Jn 3:16
  • John 3:12-17

If however, your document contains the following sentence, Logos will not automatically hyperlink the verse:

Look at verse 16, the most famous verse in the Bible, which says, For God so loved the world.

Nowhere in the sentence do we find a recognizable Bible reference. Logos does not know which verse 16 we are referring to. Nor does Logos recognize which verse contains, “For God so loved the world.”

So to hyperlink unrecognizable Bible references, we have to add special tagging to the text in the .docx file. Here is what the tagged text should look like:

Look at [[verse 16 >> John 3:16]], the most famous verse in  the Bible, which says, [[For God so loved the world >> John  3:16]].

To hyperlink verse 16 to John 3:16, place double square brackets to the left of the text. After the text, insert a space followed by two greater than signs, then insert the Bible reference you are wanting to link to. Then close with two double square brackets.

Only the text to the left of the greater than signs (verse 16) will  appear in the Personal Book when Logos builds it; that text, however, will be hyperlinked to John 3:16.

At first this may seem tedious, but after using the tag a few times, you will be able to hyperlink any text you want very quickly.

If John 3:16 is the most famous verse, which would you say are the second or third most famous verses?

Written by
Morris Proctor

Morris Proctor (1961–2023) was a certified trainer for Logos Bible Software and founder of MP Seminars. Morris trained thousands of Logos users at his two-day Camp Logos seminars, and his team continues to provide many training materials.

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Written by Morris Proctor
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