Seminary Scholarship

Seminary is expensive. As a seminarian myself, I’ve spent thousands of dollars on tuition, books, and the many other expenses of seminary. During my journey I’ve always been on the lookout for scholarships and creative ways to finance my studies. That is why I am so excited to announce Logos’ latest project,

If you’re a seminarian and are looking for a seminary scholarship, then this announcement will come as good news. In November, just in time for the start of the Fall term, Logos will award its first $1,000.00 seminary scholarship. In addition to the tuition award, the scholarship will include a copy of the Scholar’s Library. The scholarship is open to all seminary students and the application process should take you less than 15 minutes.

If you’re a seminarian, head over to and apply today. If you’re not a seminarian but know someone who is, please share the site with them. I’ve included some banner ads below that you can paste onto your website or blog to help spread the word.

Written by
Ryan Burns

Ryan Burns is a past Marketing Manager at Faithlife and now works at Redemption Hill Church in Richmond, VA.

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Written by Ryan Burns