BibleTech:2008 Updates

BibleTech:2008 is only three weeks away! For those who are new to the Logos Blog, BibleTech:2008 is a two-day conference that will feature more than 2 dozen presentations on projects at the intersection of Bible study and technology. The event will take place on January 25 and 26 at the Seattle Airport Hilton Conference Center. Tickets are still available for the conference at a discounted rate.

Recently, there have been several updates to the BibleTech:2008 website. More presenters have been added to the conference and a session schedule is now available.

The most common question we have been asked about BibleTech is, “Do I need a degree in Computer Science to attend?” The answer is a resounding, “No!” During each session you will have a choice to attend a more technologically advanced presentation or one that is more geared towards the common Christian with rudimentary knowledge of the internet and computers. Think of it this way, if you enjoy reading this blog you will have a great time at BibleTech:2008.

Presenters and attendees will be flying into Seattle from all over the country and it looks like BibleTech:2008 is going to be a great event. Don’t miss out on all the fun! Purchase your ticket for BibleTech:2008 today.

We’ll see you in Seattle.

Written by
Mark Van Dyke
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Written by Mark Van Dyke
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