Improve Your Study of Biblical Languages

Doing research for your dissertation? Looking to further your investigation of the Christology of John and Paul, or of Hebrew poetics in the Minor Prophets?

Check out these three new bundles from Sheffield Academic Press, Augsburg Fortress Press, and the Pontifical Biblical Institute, which explore issues of language, interpretation, and ancient culture in the context of New and Old Testament study:

Fortress Press New Testament Studies Bundle (70 vols.)

This bundle is a treasure trove of key modern works on Matthew, Luke/Acts, John, the Pauline epistles, Jesus, and Paul. The collection’s contributors include E.P. Sanders, Ben Witherington III, Luke Timothy Johnson, and Terence L. Donaldson. Fortify your knowledge in NT studies: pick up this new bundle today!

Stanley E. Porter Language and Interpretation Collection (24 vols.)

Stanley E. Porter is famous for his expertise on New Testament textual and hermeneutic issues. This collection gives you his most renowned volumes, many of them cowritten with scholars like Craig A. Evans, D.A. Carson, David Tombs, and others. Not sure where to begin? We recommend Handbook to Exegesis of the New Testament, Idioms of the Greek New Testament, and New Testament Interpretation and Methods.

Pontifical Biblical Institute of Ancient Language StudiesPontifical Biblical Institute Ancient Language Studies (50 vols.)

Old Testament scholars, we haven’t forgotten about you! This impressive collection features both New and Old Testament studies in ancient languages, including Ugaritic, Akkadian, Hebrew, Aramaic, and Northwest Semitic. Dig into the Targums and other ancient Jewish writings with Joseph Fitzmyer, Martin McNamara, Daniel J. Harrington, and other trusted scholars—you’ll get a better understanding of the ancient world’s languages and cultures.

Save when you buy in bulk, and never pay twice!

With’s Dynamic Pricing, you won’t be charged for volumes you already own—just sign in and view a bundle’s page to see your special custom price. What’s more, these collections’ massive bundling discounts give you more scholarship for your dollar. And you can make things even more affordable with an interest-free payment plan: just add a collection to your cart to see your options!

Written by
Brandon Rappuhn
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Written by Brandon Rappuhn
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