Books That Last

When we marketing types at Logos talk about the benefits of electronic books over print, one benefit we include in the list is that electronic books are not easily destroyed. We like to point out that our books do not mold, mildew, fall apart, or fade over time. And when a hard drive crashes or computer is stolen, book files are easily replaced and licenses restored from our servers.

The durability of electronic books can seem like a theoretical benefit until some kind of personal catastrophe or natural disaster makes it very real.

I’m reminded of this as our support department reports they are beginning to hear from users who lost everything to Hurricane Katrina and are calling to request a set of replacement discs and a regenerated license file. Having access to one’s books is certainly a very small comfort in light of the massive losses sustained by so many, but I’m glad that we can help provide even that small step in a return to everyday life.

I’m also reminded of a number of stories we have received over the years from other users who’ve had cause to appreciate the durable and replaceable nature of electronic books. Here’s one from a missionary to South America:

“I am a missionary in Quito, Ecuador. My role here is pastoral, and I shipped 13 years of book and ministry resources down to Ecuador. Unfortunately, the entire shipment (which included all our household goods as well) was stolen and we lost everything we owned except the 4 suitcases we had with us when we arrived in Quito. Because of my shipping experience, I was nervous about ordering CDs to be mailed down to me. So I downloaded books and was able to unlock them via the internet. Logos eBooks now make the majority of my library, and are slowly replacing ‘paper’ books in my office. While I miss the notes I had jotted in the margins of many of my books, the search capabilities and speed with which I can find material is a nice compensation. Thanks Logos!”

Graham Bulmer

Pastor de Radio HCJB

World Radio – Ecuador

Many other user stories are listed on the NewsWire sign-up page, which also gives instructions for how you can submit your own. We always love to hear stories from users about how they are using the software for ministry or personal study, and are greatly encouraged by knowing that our work plays a role in equipping the church.

Written by
Daniel Foster

Daniel enjoys explaining technology to people, capturing the perfect screenshot, playing board games, and world travel. Not in that order.

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Written by Daniel Foster
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