There’s a Place for You at BibleTech:2010

What is in store for the next generation of Bible technologies? How is mobile technology changing the way we experience the Scriptures? How is social media transforming the way the people of God approach biblical community? What are the processes and implications of putting the Bible into a format like the Xbox 360? What software and applications are affecting the way that the Scriptures are translated? These are the kinds of questions that industry insiders will be answering, March 26-27, at BibleTech:2010.

This year’s BibleTech presenters come from a diverse background of educators, programmers, developers, publishers, executives and ministry leaders. This diversity provides a well-rounded platform from which to speak about the number of ways that technology is influencing how we approach and study the Scriptures.

Your registration gives you access to more than 25 sessions, three catered meals, and a conference T-shirt. But perhaps even more importantly, you will build a network of contacts with others who share your interests.

San Jose, CA

The Silicon Valley is providing the ideal backdrop for BibleTech:2010. The conference will be held at the San Jose Sheraton, less than ten minutes from Intel, Ebay and LSI Corp. In fact, you can even drive to Google during one of the conference breaks.

For discounted room rates during the event you can visit the Sheraton BibleTech Conference website.

The BibleTech Blog

To help familiarize yourself with some of the presenters who will be sharing their experience and perspectives, we are now featuring a blog on the BibleTech website. At any time you can read the latest musings from many BibleTech speakers and alumnus. The blog—much like BibleTech itself—runs the full gamut between the technical and the theoretical, and will provide tips, ideas, reviews, and discussions regarding some of the ethical questions involving technology and the Bible.

Dony Donev—one of the twenty-eight speakers at this year’s BibleTech—is actually driving to San Jose, CA from Atlanta, GA (about 2500 miles!) On the way he is doing a research trip in Nashville, TN, ministry in Memphis, lecturing in Lincoln, NE, a chaplaincy meeting in Illinois, and a conference in Minneapolis, MN and is planning on blogging it all in a blog series of posts called: ‘BibleTech or Bust!”

The BibleTech team is getting excited about this year’s event! Come experience what is happening at the intersection of Bible study and technology with us. You won’t want to miss it.

Oh . . . and Dony, let’s be careful out there!

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Logos Staff

Logos is the largest developer of tools that empower Christians to go deeper in the Bible.

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