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The Apostle and the Empire: Paul’s Implicit and Explicit Criticism of Rome
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The Word of a Humble God: The Origins, Inspiration, and Interpretation of Scripture
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Honor, Patronage, Kinship, and Purity: Unlocking New Testament Culture, 2nd ed.
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Reading the Bible around the World: A Student’s Guide to Global Hermeneutics
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The Hope of Life after Death: A Biblical Theology of Resurrection (Essential Studies in Biblical Theology | ESBT)
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Text and Paratext: Book Order, Title, and Division as Keys to Biblical Interpretation
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The Word of Truth, Sealed by the Spirit: Perspectives on the Inspiration and Truth of Sacred Scripture (Catholic Theological Formation Series)
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Biblical Critical Theory: How the Bible’s Unfolding Story Makes Sense of Modern Life and Culture
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Early New Testament Apocrypha (Ancient Literature for New Testament Studies, Volume 9)
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Five Views of Christ in the Old Testament: Genre, Authorial Intent, and the Nature of Scripture (Counterpoints)
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Greek for the Rest of Us: Learn Greek to Study the New Testament with Interlinears and Bible Software, 3rd ed.
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From the Beginnings of Christianity to the End of World War II (A History of the Quests for the Historical Jesus, vol. 1)
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From the Post-War Era through Contemporary Debates (A History of the Quests for the Historical Jesus, vol. 2)
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The Psychology of the Fruit of the Spirit: The Biblical Portrayal of the Christlike Character and Its Development
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The Scripture and Hermeneutics Seminar, 25th Anniversary: Retrospect and Prospect (The Scripture Collective Series)
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Old Testament
The Lord Roars: Recovering the Prophetic Voice for Today (Theological Explorations for the Church Catholic)
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The Book of Deuteronomy, Chapters 1–11 (The New International Commentary on the Old Testament | NICOT)
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The Book of Numbers, 2nd ed. (The New International Commentary on the Old Testament | NICOT)
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Willingness to Die and the Gift of Life: Suicide and Martyrdom in the Hebrew Bible
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The Old Testament Law for the Life of the Church: Reading the Torah in the Light of Christ
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1 and 2 Kings: A Commentary for Biblical Preaching and Teaching (Kerux Commentaries | KC)
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Judges: A Discourse Analysis of the Hebrew Bible (Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the Old Testament | ZECOT)
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Leviticus: A Discourse Analysis of the Hebrew Bible (Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the Old Testament | ZECOT)
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New Testament
1 Peter, Second Edition (Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament | BECNT)
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From the Manger to the Throne: A Theology of Luke (New Testament Theology)
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The Beginning of the Gospel: A Theology of Mark (New Testament Theology)
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1 Peter: A Commentary for Biblical Preaching and Teaching (Kerux Commentaries | KC)
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Commentary on the New Testament from the Talmud and Midrash (3 vols.)
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The Word from the Beginning: The Person and Work of Jesus in the Gospel of John
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Augustine: On Christian Doctrine and Selected Introductory Works (Theological Foundations)
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Our Secular Vocation: Rethinking the Church’s Calling to the Marketplace
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A Christian Theology of Science: Reimagining a Theological Vision of Natural Knowledge
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Interpreting Your World: Five Lenses for Engaging Theology and Culture
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Is God a Vindictive Bully? Reconciling Portrayals of God in the Old and New Testaments
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Mapping Atonement: The Doctrine of Reconciliation in Christian History and Theology
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Strangers and Scapegoats: Extending God’s Welcome to Those on the Margins
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The End of Interpretation: Reclaiming the Priority of Ecclesial Exegesis
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Warrior, King, Servant, Savior: Messianism in the Hebrew Bible and Early Jewish Texts
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Doing Asian American Theology: A Contextual Framework for Faith and Practice
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Renewal Worship: A Theology of Pentecostal Doxology (Dynamics of Christian Worship | DCW)
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War, Peace, and Violence: Four Christian Views (Spectrum Multiview Books)
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Divine Love Theory: How the Trinity is the Source and Foundation of Morality
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The Knowledge of God in the World and the Word: An Introduction to Classical Apologetics
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Church History
The Lost Sermons of C. H. Spurgeon, vol. VII: His Earliest Outlines and Sermons between 1851 and 1854
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Turning Points: Decisive Moments in the History of Christianity, 4th ed.
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Martin Luther and the Rule of Faith: Reading God's Word for God's People (New Explorations in Theology)
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Christian Ministry
Empowered and Equipped: Bible Exposition for Women Who Teach the Scriptures
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Buried Seeds: Learning from the Vibrant Resilience of Marginalized Christian Communities
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Let the Nations Be Glad! The Supremacy of God in Missions, 30th Anniversary ed.
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Preaching to a Divided Nation: A Seven-Step Model for Promoting Reconciliation and Unity
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The Church after Innovation: Questioning Our Obsession with Work, Creativity, and Entrepreneurship (Ministry in a Secular Age)
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Dawn: A Proton’s Tale of All That Came to Be (BioLogos Books on Science and Christianity)
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Faithful Disobedience: Writings on Church and State from a Chinese House Church Movement
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The Gospel of Peace in a Violent World: Christian Nonviolence for Communal Flourishing
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The Wonders of Creation: Learning Stewardship from Narnia and Middle-Earth (Hansen Lectureship Series)
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Finding Hope in a Dark Place: Facing Loneliness, Depression, and Anxiety with the Power of Grace
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The King of Christmas: All God’s Children Search for Jesus (A FatCat Book)
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The King of Easter: Jesus Searches for All God’s Children (A FatCat Book)
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Unexpected Jesus: How the Resurrected Christ Finds Us, Meets Us, Heals Us
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Reclaiming Sexual Wholeness: An Integrative Christian Approach to Sexual Addiction Treatment
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Bully Pulpit: Confronting the Problem of Spiritual Abuse in the Church
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