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____ Months's Publisher Spotlight

Lorum Ipsum

The Bible Speaks Today | BST: New Testament (22 vols.)

If you preach or teach from Scripture, the Bible Speaks Today series will help you apply the timeless biblical message to the everyday experiences of your listeners. And if you study the Bible on your own, these volumes will be a helpful resource focusing on the significance of God's Word for your own life and work.

Your Price: $264.99

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Christian Origins and the Question of God Series (4 vols.)

As an important scholar of the New Testament and a prolific author and lecturer, N. T. Wright’s books have been highly influential in the study of Jesus, Paul, and early Christianity. Wright’s Christian Origins and the Question of God series—now available from Logos Bible Software—contains the four completed books in the projected six-volume series.


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Apollos Old Testament Commentary | AOT (10 vols.)

The Apollos Old Testament Commentary (AOT) aims to take with equal seriousness the divine and human aspects of Scripture. It expounds the books of the Old Testament in a scholarly manner accessible to non-experts, and it shows the relevance of the Old Testament to modern readers. Written by an international team of scholars and edited by David W. Baker and Gordon J. Wenham, these commentaries are intended to serve the needs of those who preach from the Old Testament, as well as scholars and all serious students of the Bible.


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Select Works of Alister McGrath (10 vols.)

Anglican belief and practice allows that God communicates through his Word as well as through the beauty of his works. The trick, of course, is to keep the two sources of communication in balance. Nowhere is this balance better struck than in the writings of the Atheist-turned-Anglican-clergyman Alister McGrath. McGrath takes Scripture very seriously as an unshakeable source of truth for belief. At the same time, McGrath recognizes that God also communicates through art and literature.

Your Price: $115.99

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The Bible Speaks Today | BST: Old Testament (33 vols.)

The Bible Speaks Today commentary series focuses on what Christians can learn from the Old Testament, rather than merely commenting on academic theories. Written largely by conservative evangelicals with real-world preaching and pastoral experience, the series often acts as a collection of expository sermons—rich with practical implications.

Your Price: $355.99

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Contours of Christian Theology (8 vols.)

Contours of Christian Theology is a series of concise introductory texts focused on the main themes of Christian theology. The authors introduce perennial questions and time-tested solutions while moving forward to explore contemporary issues and rework evangelical formulations of the faith. Series editor Gerald Bray is joined by a select group of respected teachers and theologians, each committed to bringing students, pastors, and interested readers up to date on the many ongoing discussions in theology.


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Tyndale New Testament Commentaries | TNTC (20 vols.)

The Tyndale New Testament Commentary provides an exposition of Scripture that is thorough and abreast of modern scholarship, yet at the same time loyal to Scripture as the infallible Word of God. It has long been a trusted resource for Bible study. Written by some of the world's most distinguished evangelical scholars, each book offers clear, reliable, and relevant expositions.


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IVP UK Ultimate Bundle (220 vols.)

For over 80 years, IVP UK has published valuable resources for Bible study at both the popular and academic level. This impressive bundle brings together some of its most-respected series, including The Bible Speaks Today Commentary series and N.T. Wright’s For Everyone series, and the Tyndale Old and New Testament Commentaries. Get scholarly practical guidance on biblical theology with the New Studies in Biblical Theology series, as well, as insights from some of the leading preachers and bible scholars of the English-speaking world, such as John Stott, Greg. K. Beale, Derek Kidner, Tremper Longman III, and D.A. Carson.

Your Price: $2,399.99

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Exploring the Bible Series Collection (6 vols.)

Exploring the Old and New Testaments (6 vols.) is a series of six textbooks which covers the Old and New Testaments, all written by authors who have extensive experience in teaching students in their first two years of university-level study. This series is perfect for someone looking for a survey of the Bible that can be as broad or immersive as you see fit. The series easily facilitates teaching the material to classes or small groups.

Your Price: $114.99

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SPCK Pauline Studies Collection (3 vols.)

The Apostle Paul was one of the most prominent leaders of the Christian faith. After converting to Christianity, Paul sought to spread the Gospel through his writings and missionary journeys. Though persecuted throughout his ministry, nothing stopped the apostle from spreading the gospel of Christ; several of his most valuable works were even written during his imprisonment! Thirteen epistles of the twenty-seven New Testament books are attributed to him and form the foundation of Christian living today.

Your Price: $34.99

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Jesus Studies Collection (6 vols.)

The Jesus Studies Collection (6 vols.) brings you an informative study of the person, work, and life of Jesus Christ. This collection compiles works by respected scholars, theologians, and authors including N. T. Wright, Craig A. Evans, and Gary M. Burge on the many fascinating issues surrounding Jesus.

Your Price: $78.99

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SPCK Introductions (6 vols.)

Philosophy is too often considered abstract and out of reach for the average person. Worse yet, some believe it to be dangerous or a stumbling block to the Christian religion. But the development of human thought, particularly as it applies to understanding faith and making daily decisions, is important for every person to consider. In an intelligent but accessible way, this series aims to introduce thinkers who have made significant contributions to Christian thought. Some are notable in religious history, and others are best known for their critical perspectives. Rahner, Weil, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Bonhoeffer, and Barth: none delivers the same message, yet all are relevant.

Your Price: $62.99

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SPCK Prayer Collection (4 vols.)

Revitalize your prayer life with the SPCK Prayer Collection. Four volumes of wise words will encourage a more active prayer life and fortify your relationship with God. Guide family or community prayers, and get suggestions for prayers to soothe, encourage, excite, or console. Whether you’re a church leader or a layperson, you’ll find practical and scriptural wisdom to transform your prayer life.

Your Price: $34.99

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