Tag - books

Of the Making of Books (Part 5)

Today’s guest blogger is Ken Smith, General Manager of Electronic Publishing Services at Logos. (This is the next installment in a series of articles about our nearly 60 publishing partners who market their own electronic products using our...

The Love Affairs of a Bibliomaniac

Among the 5,000 books available for the Libronix Digital Library System there are a few that make people wonder, “Why did they produce that one?” Years ago, someone gave our family a copy of The Works of Eugene Field. In high school I read a few...

Books That Last

When we marketing types at Logos talk about the benefits of electronic books over print, one benefit we include in the list is that electronic books are not easily destroyed. We like to point out that our books do not mold, mildew, fall apart, or...

Using DBL’s Semantic Domains

When you are studying a word, it’s often a good idea to look at synonyms and antonyms for that word as well. For example, if you were studying the English word run, you might also want to consider how words like sprint, jog, or even gallop...

Spanish Dividends

It costs so much to build English-language tools and, incrementally, so little to enable them for other languages that it seems a waste not to do so. Our large investment in the large English-speaking market should pay dividends around the world...

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