Racism is “America’s original sin,” and we reap the wages of that sin still.
The killings of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor are shocking and appalling. Their proximity has highlighted the suffering of African Americans that some of us rarely thought about because it didn’t touch us directly. This week we are being asked to consider the consequences of our indifference—of thinking we were on the right side of the issues because we intend to treat everyone equally, espouse the right attitudes, and wish no one harm.
We are seeing the consequences of our historic sin as a nation (and for many of us as the church), and whether we confess that sin personally or have managed by God’s grace to put that particular sin aside, it would be hard to deny today that this sin of our nation is still the source of oppression and harm for our African American neighbors.
We read in the Bible that God loves justice. We read that we are called to love one another.
This week many of us must ask ourselves: Do we love justice the way God loves justice? Is it enough to try and act justly in our personal interactions, or does loving justice require more?
Are we truly loving all our neighbors?
While we look first to the Bible for answers, we learn from each other as well. At Logos, we have been working to increase the diversity of perspectives we offer and to license from authors and publishers works we hadn’t previously had access to.
We want to read more widely and to help you read more widely, too. Faithlife has worked with some of our publisher partners to highlight resources by African American pastors, teachers, and authors for readers who want to encounter a different perspective or see through another’s eyes.
It is our prayer that all of our users will find in these resources biblical wisdom, encouragement, conviction, and a powerful reminder that in our great and beautiful diversity we are together brothers and sisters and the very family of God.