Author - Daniel Foster

Daniel enjoys explaining technology to people, capturing the perfect screenshot, playing board games, and world travel. Not in that order.

Preaching Through the Bible in a Year

Sometimes you hear a story that just sticks in your mind. Like the one about the pastor who preached through the entire Bible in a year, with his congregation reading along at a rate of 20+ chapters per week. If you haven’t already heard this...

The Lost Photo Shoot

The attentive reader of Bob’s Sept. 27 post will recall that he mentioned using the ECF volumes for a recent photo shoot. We were shooting Bob for the Red Herring article and trying to come up with some creative images. The reporter said the...

Red Herring

The issue of Red Herring that hits newsstands today includes a feature article on religious software, with Logos receiving the lion’s share of their coverage of Bible software. Red Herring is a national print magazine that reports on the...

Later Learners

I have the utmost respect for anyone who takes on the challenge of learning to use a computer at an advanced age. I am of the sandwich generation (Gen X); growing up in rural Michigan, most of my peers did not have a computer at home and so were not...

Logos in the Local Press

Logos Bible Software is the cover feature for the September 2005 issue of Northwest Business Monthly, a regional business magazine. One of my favorite selections, “There is a lot of great technology and ideas, but you build around the customer not...

Books That Last

When we marketing types at Logos talk about the benefits of electronic books over print, one benefit we include in the list is that electronic books are not easily destroyed. We like to point out that our books do not mold, mildew, fall apart, or...

Photos from a Logos Fan

Not only do our users send us random shipments of hot sauce from time to time, but sometimes we get photos like these sent from Logos user Michael Sinclair. Click either photo to see a larger version. Michael is running Logos on Windows XP on this...

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