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5 Questions to Help Apply Scripture

Geneva bible picture

Using the three-step Bible study process—observe, interpret, and apply—you’re bound to learn new things about God.

The observe phase doesn’t require any tools beyond a copy of the Scripture itself. (If you’re in search of one, we have a recommendation for you.) The Faithlife Study Bible app is perfect for the interpret phase, with its built-in study notes, multimedia resources, and infographics.

When you reach the application phase, use the acronym SPECT to quickly identify truths to apply:

  • Is there a sin for me to forsake?
  • Is there any promise to claim?
  • Is there an example for me to follow?
  • Is there any command for me to obey?
  • Is there anything to be thankful for today?

These simple questions help you quickly examine a passage from multiple perspectives. Let’s use them on today’s Verse of the Day. “For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth, and the former things shall not be remembered or come to mind.”

Do you see any sins, promises, examples, commands, or reasons to be thankful?

author ray deck iii x
Written by
Ray Deck III

Born in WV, Ray escaped to North Carolina at a young age. He came to Logos after an 8 year stint at a faith-based nonprofit in New York. When he is not assembling sequences of words, he’s probably running, surfing or shooting skeet, but you should probably go look for him. He has a terrible sense of direction and is probably lost.

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author ray deck iii x Written by Ray Deck III