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The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia (ISBE), 1915 Edition

Digital Logos Edition

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Print list price: $192.55
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The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia (ISBE) is an authoritative reference encyclopedia which explains every significant word, subject, place, person, and doctrine in the Bible and Apocrypha! In scope, the ISBE covers literature (apocalyptic, apocryphal, sub-apostolic, etc.), archeology, ethnology, geography, topography, biography, arts and crafts, manners and customs, family life, natural history, agriculture, ritual, laws, sects, music—whatever, in short, may throw light on the meaning and message of the Bible. Over two hundred scholars and teachers contributed to this encyclopedia—including Archibald Alexander, H. C. G. Moule, B. B. Warfield, A. T. Robertson, and more.

The ISBE is particularly characterized by the following features:

  • Fullness: It has been the design of the editors that every word in the Bible and the Apocrypha having a distinct scriptural meaning should appear in this work; and also that all the doctrines of the Bible, the principle terms of biblical criticism, and related subjects of history, biography, geography, social life of the peoples, and the industries, sciences, etc., should be included and given proper treatment.
  • Authority: In order that those who use such a work may be assured of its trustworthiness it is necessary that the subject matter should be identified with its authors. Every article in the ISBE, of sufficient length to be regarded as more than a mere definition or notice, appears over the signature of its author. It will be noted that the authors responsible for all the major subjects were selected and requested to write upon those particular themes because of their marked ability and recognized authority in the special departments of biblical learning to which their articles belong.

This mammoth reference work is ideal for students, scholars, pastors, laypersons, and anyone seeking a comprehensive starting point for exploring the people, places, and topics in the Bible. Easily discover important information you wouldn’t find otherwise. Searches in Logos will pull results from the thousands of articles and images in the ISBE. Scripture references within the encyclopedia link directly to the original language texts and English Bible translations in your library. Research that would normally take hours of page turning can now be completed with only a few clicks of your mouse! This makes the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia (ISBE) more powerful and easier to access than ever before for scholarly work or personal Bible study.

Do you already own the Ages edition of The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, 1915 Edition that was built for Libronix? Then you will receive this updated collection for free. The files will automatically download. The previous edition was created many years ago, using the best digital files available at the time. We have rebuilt the 1915 ISBE from the ground up—this collection will contain new, updated files. If you don't own the 1915 ISBE, be sure to enhance your library with one of the most useful and trusted reference collections by placing your order today!

Resource Experts
  • Explains every significant word, subject, place, person, and doctrine in the Bible and Apocrypha
  • Over two hundred trusted contributors
  • Hundreds of maps and illustrations
  • Biographical articles on prominent figures through church history

Top Highlights

“The Heb word נָחַם‎, nāḥam, is an onomatopoetic term which implies difficulty in breathing” (Page 2558)

“Babylonian Records of His Reign—the Cylinder of Nabonidus” (Page 773)

“STRANGLED, stran’g’ld (חָנַק‎, ḥānaḳ; πνικτός, pniktós, from vb. πνίγω, pnígō, ‘to choke,’ ‘to smother,’ ‘to strangle’ [cf choking of swine in the lake, Mk 5:13; the seed are choked by the thorns, Mt 13:7; the servant takes his fellow-servant by the throat, AV Mt 18:28]): As adj. ‘strangled,’ used of animals deprived of life by choking, and so without the shedding of the blood. Flesh thus killed was forbidden as food among the Hebrews, because it contained the blood (Lev 17:12). Even Jewish Christians in the Jerus council thought it best to forbid things strangled to be eaten by gentile converts, so as not to give offence to Jewish sentiment, and doubtless also to prevent participation in heathen sacrificial feasts (Acts 15:20; 21:25).” (Page 2866)

“The OT idea is therefore the reverential attitude of mind or body or both, combined with the more generic notions of religious adoration, obedience, service.” (Page 3110)

“Antipater died by the hand of an assassin (43 BC) and left four sons, Phasael, Herod the Great, Joseph, Pheroras, and a daughter Salome.” (Page 1379)

The most complete and adaptable instrument now available for pastors, teachers, and Bible students generally. One of the most important features in the construction of this encyclopedia is due to the requirement, laid upon every contributor, to furnish an exhaustive catena of the Scripture passages involved in each subject under consideration.

The Biblical Review

The best of the larger Bible dictionaries.

Union Seminary Review

  • Title: The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, 1915 Edition
  • Editor: James Orr
  • Publisher: The Howard-Severance Company
  • Volumes: 5
  • Resources: 1
  • Pages: 3,540
  • Resource ID: LLS:INTLBBLDICT1915
Value if sold separately
||Partially included
Value if sold separately
Total value if sold separately:

James Orr (1844–1913) was Minister of the East Bank United Presbyterian Church in Hawick, Scotland, from 1874–1891, and Professor of Church History in the Theological College of the United Presbyterian Church of Scotland from 1874–1901. From 1901, he was Professor of Apologetics and Theology at Glasgow College of the United Free Church. He was among the chief promoters for the union between the Free and United Presbyterian Churches in Scotland. He lectured at seminaries all over the world and was a prolific writer and editor. His works include four volumes in The Pulpit Commentary, The Christian View of God and the World, The Ritschlian Theology and the Evangelical Faith, Neglected Factors in the Study of the Early Progress of Christianity, The Early Church: Its History and Literature, and The Bible under Trial: Apologetic Papers in View of Present Day Assaults on Holy Scripture.


41 ratings

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  1. David Anfinrud
    A good Encyclopedia to get topics Biblical Notes. This is dated material but written before Political Correction. This is also available in the various legacy Packages that allows you to pick it up at a very reasonable price. You get great information for a very cheap price. There are topics I run into and would like more information. Think of Hymenaeus a heretical Teacher mentioned in Ephesus. A more detailed information on what kind of things He was teaching. Other Dictionaries short barely any information I like pairing this Enclopedia with the Topic Guide to find other writings on the topic that are more modern to see what we see today. Very good use of the Power of Logos to utilize information.
  2. Nathan Harris

    Nathan Harris


  3. Darwin Te

    Darwin Te


  4. joseph marcum

    joseph marcum


  5. Mack Blair

    Mack Blair


  6. J-P O

    J-P O


  7. robert lineberry
    Excellent resource.
  8. Noah Shuler

    Noah Shuler


    While somewhat dated, this is an excellent resource for students of the Bible. It is relatively conservative, and it provides an interesting perspective from its historical context. I received it for free as part of a promotional several years ago, and I have often referred to it as a supplement to other Bible Dictionaries.
  9. Keith Johnson

    Keith Johnson


  10. Ariel Isaac Alvarenga de Góes


Print list price: $192.55
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