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Exodus: Saved for God's Glory (Preaching the Word | PtW)

At once theologically instructive and decidedly practical, this commentary moves readers to great rejoicing at God’s work in the life of every person following him on the path to spiritual freedom. Ryken skillfully relates how the Israelites’ deliverance from slavery anticipated the salvation accomplished in Jesus Christ, proving that God remembers his covenant and always delivers on his promises. For those who preach, teach, and study God’s Word, this book is more than just a commentary; it is a celebration of God’s faithfulness.


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1 and 2 Timothy and Titus—To Guard the Deposit (Preaching the Word | PtW)

There are substantial reasons to be energized by the prospect of studying the Pastoral letters of Paul. Between them they teach the proper ordering of the church (1 Timothy), present a developed challenge to all who call themselves disciples of Christ (2 Timothy), and suggest God’s plan and priorities for mature ministry (Titus)—all so that the Lord may be most glorified.


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Jeremiah and Lamentations: From Sorrow to Hope (Preaching the Word | PtW)

Both Jeremiah and Lamentations have lesson the world—and the church—need to hear. With the heart of a pastor and the knowledge of a scholar, Philip Graham Ryken applies these words of life to us today. His commentary will not only help you understand and teach from these spiritually relevant books, but inspire you with the courage and passion of God’s personal call for you to live in these times.


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1–3 John—Fellowship in God's Family (Preaching the Word | PtW)

What does it look like to “walk in the light, as he is in the light,” to truly live as a follower of Christ? This all-important question finds its answer in three letters from the apostle John. Marked by their sermonic tone, devotional fervor, and emphasis on obedience to God’s commands, 1, 2, and 3 John lovingly teach us how to follow Jesus in open devotion to God. Professor of preaching David L. Allen guides us through 1–3 John with skill and wisdom, offering helpful insights into the Christian life. Hermeneutically sound, Christ-centered, and remarkably practical, this study opens up John’s letters anew and lays out the path for us to walk in light of God’s truth and love.


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Job: The Wisdom of the Cross (Preaching the Word | PtW)

Life can be hard, and sometimes it seems like God doesn’t even care. When faced with difficult trials, many people have resonated with the book of Job—the story of a man who lost nearly everything, seemingly abandoned by God. In this thorough and accessible commentary, Christopher Ash helps us glean encouragement from God’s Word by directing our attention to the final explanation and ultimate resolution of Job’s story: the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Intended to equip pastors to preach Job’s important message, this commentary highlights God’s grace and wisdom in the midst of redemptive suffering. Taking a staggeringly honest look at our broken world and the trials that we often face, Ash helps us see God’s sovereign purposes for adversity and the wonderful hope that Christians have in Christ.


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Hebrews: An Anchor for the Soul, 2 vols. (Preaching the Word | PtW)

The book of Hebrews conveys a double dose of spiritual power. It not only presents the greatness of Christ in ways no other New Testament writing does, but it repeatedly demands a heart response from the reader. No one can study Hebrews and not grow spiritually and come face to face in a new way wit...


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Matthew—All Authority in Heaven and on Earth (Preaching the Word | PtW)

Jesus is King. Standing as a central theme of the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus’ kingly authority has profound implications for our lives today—changing the way we view the world, interact with others, and respond to blessings and hardships. In this reader-friendly commentary, seasoned pastor Doug O’Donnell leads us through the first book of the New Testament, highlighting key themes and offering contemporary illustrations for preaching. Drawing on years of pastoral experience, O’Donnell helps us to see how Matthew’s various emphases—including Jesus’ messianic titles, fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy, teaching on the kingdom of heaven, and present and future role as judge—all relate to Christ's kingship over all of creation. Full of biblical insights aimed at both pastors and laypeople, this volume ultimately highlights Matthew’s call to all people to worship and obey Jesus, our humble King and gracious Savior.


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Looking for more? Don’t miss your chance to get another free book.

This Month's Giveaway

Foundations of Evangelical Theology Series (7 vols.) — a $144.99 value!

December Free Book of the Month Giveaway

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Romans (Hendriksen & Kistemaker New Testament Commentary | HK)

Romans (Hendriksen & Kistemaker New Testament Commentary | HK)

Your Price: $39.99

Interpreting the Pentateuch: An Exegetical Handbook (Handbooks for Old Testament Exegesis | HOTE)

Interpreting the Pentateuch: An Exegetical Handbook (Handbooks for Old Testament Exegesis | HOTE)

Your Price: $21.99

The Expositor’s Bible Commentary, Volume 8: Matthew, Mark, Luke (EBC)

The Expositor’s Bible Commentary, Volume 8: Matthew, Mark, Luke (EBC)

Your Price: $41.99

History and Theology in the Fourth Gospel, 3rd ed. (The New Testament Library Series | NTL)

History and Theology in the Fourth Gospel, 3rd ed. (The New Testament Library Series | NTL)

Your Price: $22.99

Sons and Daughters of God: The Believer’s Identity, Calling, and Destiny (2.5 hour course)

Sons and Daughters of God: The Believer’s Identity, Calling, and Destiny (2.5 hour course)

Your Price: $93.99

Mark, 2nd edition (Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, New Testament II | ACCS)

Mark, 2nd edition (Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, New Testament II | ACCS)

Your Price: $24.99

Isaiah 40–66: A Commentary (Eerdmans Critical Commentary | ECC)

Isaiah 40–66: A Commentary (Eerdmans Critical Commentary | ECC)

Your Price: $71.99

Faith Working Through Love by N.T. Wright (1 hour course)

Faith Working Through Love by N.T. Wright (1 hour course)

Your Price: $19.99

Lexham Research Commentary: Genesis 1–11

Lexham Research Commentary: Genesis 1–11

Your Price: $39.99

Creation, Power and Truth: The Gospel in a World of Cultural Confusion

Creation, Power and Truth: The Gospel in a World of Cultural Confusion

Your Price: $9.99

Christian Standard Bible (CSB)

Christian Standard Bible (CSB)

Your Price: $9.99

Acts (Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible | BTC)

Acts (Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible | BTC)

Your Price: $27.99