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Products>Ethics as Worship: The Pursuit of Moral Discipleship

Ethics as Worship: The Pursuit of Moral Discipleship

, 2021
ISBN: 9781629952628

Digital Logos Edition

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Ethics as Worship examines the biblical, theological, and philosophical foundations and application of Christian ethics, offering an ethical system that emphasizes the worship of God as motivation, method, and goal of the ethical endeavor. It concludes with an exploration of how worship ought to shape a response to particular ethical topics and issues most relevant in our day: from justice, race, and environmental stewardship to sexuality and birth control.

Resource Experts
  • Examines the biblical, theological, and philosophical foundations and application of Christian ethics
  • Offers an ethical system that emphasizes the worship of God as motivation, method, and goal of the ethical endeavor
  • Explores how worship ought to shape a response to particular ethical topics and issues most relevant in our day

Top Highlights

“Thus, we define worldview as a conceptual framework made up of our fundamental beliefs and loves that then functions as the means by which we perceive, interpret, and judge reality and that also drives how we behave in it.” (Page 7)

“The question is not whether we should legislate morality, but always whose morality are we going to legislate?” (Page 4)

“What is Christian ethics? In sum, it is a Christ-centered response of thanksgiving, rightly ordered by Scripture to be a service unto God in obedient love that is formed and embodied in a discipleship that is oriented missionally, such that all creation might once again do what it was created to do: maximally render unto God all the praise, honor, and glory that he is due.” (Page 22)

“The study of ethics, then, is not primarily about choices, acts, results, or even obeying the commands of Scripture (though we believe that doing so is crucial). Ethics is about God. It is about maximally adoring him and rendering to him all that he is due from all that he has made. And it is about our doing so both individually and corporately.” (Page xxi)

“Studying ethics is the joyful discovery of what it means to live a life of worship. Making this discovery is both the premise and purpose of this book.” (Page xxii)


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  1. Jacob Walker

    Jacob Walker


    Fantastic. Encouraging and gospel centered.


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