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Respuestas bíblicas y doctrinales a los Testigos de Jehová

ISBN: 9788418810510

Digital Logos Edition

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Ofertas del mes de mayo 2024


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Este libro recoge las respuestas bíblicas y doctrinales que demuestran, como han modificado el texto para sustituirlo por las enseñanzas bíblicas y doctrinales de su organización.

Es uno de los libros que más éxito ha alcanzado a la hora de abrir los ojos de muchos Testigos de Jehová honestos y sinceros; y que, dada la solidez de sus argumentos, más quebraderos de cabeza ha causado a los líderes del grupo. Con todo, y pese a tratarse de un libro polémico, su enfoque no es agresivo, sino exclusivamente hermenéutico-científico.

La obra se presenta con el respaldo y apoyo de tres pesos pesados en el mundo de la teología y la literatura cristiana de habla española: Un extenso Prólogo, de Samuel Vila titulado «Luces y sombras del movimiento Rusellista», una acertada Presentación, del teólogo español José Grau; y una Introducción, de Francisco Lacueva en la que como especialista en el tema ahonda aún más en el tema trinitario y de la divinidad del Verbo.

Top Highlights

“La versión «Nuevo Mundo», ¿traducción o falsificación?” (Page 25)

“Espíritu Santo, aplicándole también iniciales minúsculas, mientras que al diablo se le nombra con inicial mayúscula.” (Page 26)

“El Verbo es la Palabra del Padre; por tanto, es expresada por el Padre, vive del Padre. El Padre es el que expresa; por tanto, no vive de la Palabra, pero sí vive de decirla.” (Page 21)

“Storms— rehusó categóricamente revelar la identidad de los miembros del comité traductor».” (Page 26)

“En arkhe en ho Logos, kai ho Logos en pros ton Theon, kai Theos en ho Logos».” (Page 31)

  • Título: Respuestas bíblicas y doctrinales a los Testigos de Jehová
  • Autor: Eugenio Danyans de la Cinna
  • Editorial: Editorial CLIE
  • Fecha de publicación: 2014
  • Páginas: 256

Eugenio Danyans de la Cinna nació en Barcelona (España) en 1929. Pertenece a las Asambleas de Hermanos y es reconocido como un preparado y documentado exégeta bíblico. Toda su vida ha trabajado en el mundo de la literatura y la página impresa como colaborador y asesor literario de publicaciones de divulgación científica, entre ellas la revista «Europa», en la que tuvo a su cargo la sección de astrofísica y la revista «Algo». Ha sido asesor en temas científicos de la «Enciclopedia Cíclope». Ha impartido numerosas conferencias bíblico-científicas, ha publicado numerosos artículos sobre protohistoria y escrito diversos libros. Casado con Ana María es padre de dos hijos.


3 ratings

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  1. javier mejia jr
    Un muy buen libro, que reúne respuestas Bíblicas y honestas contra las herejías de los así mismos llamados testigos de J. Cabe destacar que uno de los que an dejado un comentario no favorable 👇🏼Kelly Mann pareciera ser un de ellos. No se desanimen, el valor teológico de este libro sobrepasa en sobre manera el valor económico.
  2. Kelly Mann

    Kelly Mann


    This is full of more or less common fallacies, such as appealing to authority and attacks on the person or position, rather than giving scholarly information why something is inaccurate. For example, in chapter 1 instead of criticizing content, he questions the unrevealed committee. However, it is not brought out that all of the publications by Witnesses of Jehova do not have names on them and this translation is no different. We can and should base this version not on any appeal to authority or appeal to titles but based on the quality of the version. The King James Version (KJV) is an example of a version that very few know who the translators were but that should not matter as much as the quality of the translation. Millions of English-speaking people read the KJV, study it but have no clue who the translators were. Issues like this again are common fallacy arguments and not scholarly. There is no question that Witnesses of Jehovah know languages very well, as their literature is translated in over 1,000 languages. Indeed, they know much about translation and have professionals in that field. Actually, their website is the world’s most translated site so to even go do this road is silly. The emphasis should be on accuracy not on identity or manner it was written. Next, the criticism that is offer is on the NWT is based on theology not really accuracy in translation. Theology will often play a major part in how to translate a given text. For example, the genitive "faith of Jesus." Whether one views it as subjective or objective is debatable, but these are not issues of accuracy unless it can be proven by context which is correct. However, scholars continue to debate this. Another example is how many English translations call the “Holy Spirit” an “it” at places like Romans 8.16,26. ¬¬ ¿Why? Because of following the grammatical gender of the Greek. While it can be argued that theologically this is not proper, linguistically it agrees with the gender of the noun. ¿Does one follow the so-called natural gender (strictly based only on theology) or grammatical gender based on language? These are the decisions translator’s make and we may not like. So, to reduce certain translation choices of the NWT to “inaccurate” or “false” is not accurate when it is an issue of theology and grammar allows for a different rendering. Their theology goes one way and others may go another way but often language allows for different interpretations. They certainly can be criticized, but Eugenio does not present the full picture but only one side, his side. This is not just another fallacy but is misleading. Any criticism should be based on grammatical facts not because it doesn’t agree with our own personal theology. Attacks are fine but let’s play fair and base it on true scholarly evidence. Also, criticism is offered that this is not a direct translation from the Greek and Hebrew. However, much of the work of Bible translation organizations are also not direct either. Back translations are often used too that help determine the reader friendliness of a version. Again, this is more or less an ad hominem attack instead of being based on the quality of the translation. All translations should stand based on their quality not the title of the person, nor the school that the person attended, nor the country he or she was raised, nor the faith they have. Obviously, this is not a full review but to attack a religion or their works is fine, but let’s do it in a scholarly way and endeavor to present the full picture. Sad to say, that is not the case with Eugenio’s publication.
  3. Jose Luis Piña Portillo
    Informacion muy detallada y muy bien argumentada para tratar estos asuntos con los testigos de Jehova si lastimarlos
Ofertas del mes de mayo 2024


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