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Products>Apocalipsis: El drama de los siglos

Apocalipsis: El drama de los siglos

ISBN: 9780829779516

Digital Logos Edition

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¡Ésta es la historia más emocionante de todos los tiempos, que afectará a todos cuantos vivan o hayan vivido! Este estudio del Apocalipsis es una visión anticipada de los acontecimientos finales de la historia de la humanidad.

Top Highlights

“Efeso estaba entregada a la idolatría y una de las herejías prevalecientes consistía en afirmar que los cristianos podían participar de las inmoralidades de los festivales paganos.” (Page 62)

“Creo poder afirmar que el jinete del caballo blanco es el anticristo (la primera bestia de Apocalipsis 13:1–10).” (Page 90)

“Cuánto nos entristece el saber que no hay ni un creyente cristiano en Efeso en el día de hoy y que esto se aplica a todas las regiones de las siete iglesias, con la excepción de la iglesia de Esmirna, donde hay ahora unos cuantos cristianos. El candelero ha sido quitado de su lugar, como Cristo anunció.” (Page 67)

“El Apocalipsis contiene unas 300 alusiones a otras partes de la Biblia.” (Page 26)

“Los cuatro jinetes del Apocalipsis son símbolos del poder divino en el juicio” (Page 88)

  • Title: Apocalipsis: el drama de los siglos
  • Author: Herbert Lockyer
  • Publisher: Editorial Vida
  • Print Publication Date: 1982
  • Logos Release Date: 2012
  • Era: era:contemporary
  • Language: Spanish
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Logos Research Edition
  • Subjects: Biblia. N.T. Apocalipsis › Comentarios; Bible. N.T. Revelation › Commentaries
  • ISBNs: 9780829779516, 9780829712926, 0829779515, 0829712925
  • Resource Type: Bible Commentary
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2022-09-29T21:54:22Z
Dr. Herbert Lockyer (1886–1984) considered becoming an actor when he was first deciding on a career. Tall and well-spoken, he seemed a natural for the theater. But the Lord had something better in mind. Instead of the stage, God called Herbert to the pulpit, where, as a pastor, a Bible teacher, and the author of more than fifty books, he touched the hearts and lives of millions of people.
Dr. Lockyer held pastorates in Scotland and England for twenty-five years. As pastor of Leeds Road Baptist Church in Bradford, England, he became a leader in the Keswick Higher Life Movement, which emphasized the significance of living in the fullness of the Holy Spirit. This led to an invitation to speak at the Moody Bible Institute’s fiftieth anniversary in 1936. His warm reception at that event led to his ministry in the United States. He received honorary degrees from both the Northwestern Evangelical Seminary and the International Academy in London.
In 1955, he returned to England, where he lived for many years. He then returned to the United States, where he spent the final years of his life in Colorado Springs, Colorado, with his son, the Rev. Herbert Lockyer Jr., a Presbyterian minister who eventually became his editor. 


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  1. Elvindowski



  2. Claudio Auteri Ternullo
  3. roberto vera

    roberto vera


  4. Raul Nieto

    Raul Nieto


