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Exalting Jesus in Hebrews (Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary | CCE)

, 2017
ISBN: 9781430071839

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Exalting Jesus in Hebrews is part of the Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary series. Edited by David Platt, Daniel L. Akin, and Tony Merida, this new commentary series, projected to be 48 volumes, takes a Christ-centered approach to expositing each book of the Bible. Rather than a verse-by-verse approach, the authors have crafted chapters that explain and apply key passages in their assigned Bible books.

Readers will learn to see Christ in all aspects of Scripture, and they will be encouraged by the devotional nature of each exposition presented as sermons and divided into chapters that conclude with a “Reflect & Discuss” section, making this series ideal for small group study, personal devotion, and even sermon preparation. It’s not academic but rather presents an easy reading, practical and friendly commentary.

The author of Exalting Jesus in Hebrews is Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr.

Resource Experts
  • Seeks to display exegetical accuracy
  • Offers helpful illustrations and theologically-driven applications
  • Provides a commentary that busy pastors can use for weekly preparation of biblically faithful and gospel-saturated sermons

Top Highlights

“The second type of revelation spoken of in Scripture is special revelation. This is the type of revelation referred to by Hebrews 1:1–3. This type of revelation is direct, verbal revelation that comes from the very mouth of God. Special revelation is what we have in Scripture: when Scripture speaks, God speaks.” (Hebrews 1:1)

“Three things we do know about the Epistle to the Hebrews are that it was written to the church of the Lord Jesus Christ (2 Tim 3:16–17), it plays a unique role in the canon, and it instructs all Christians on how to read the Old Testament in proper relation to Christ.” (Hebrews 1:1–3)

“One of the most important assertions made by the author of Hebrews in these initial verses is that God is a speaking God.” (Hebrews 1:1)

“He affirms the authenticity and authority of the Old Testament. The Old Testament continues to function authoritatively for God’s people. Yet at the same time, as the next verse will show, there is something more. The Old Testament is a story in need of a conclusion—a messianic conclusion. The fathers and the prophets indeed spoke the word of God, but that word was not the final word.” (Hebrews 1:1)

“He wants the Hebrews to see that the Old Testament itself showed that the Levitical priesthood was always meant to give way to something greater.” (Hebrews 7:5–10)

Richard Albert Mohler Jr. is an American evangelical theologian and the president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. He has been recognized by Time and Christianity Today as a leader among American evangelicals. Dr. Mohler hosts The Albert Mohler Program, a daily nationwide radio show, and writes a popular blog and a regular commentary on moral, cultural, and theological issues.

Mohler’s aim is to address contemporary issues from a consistent and explicit Christian worldview. Widely sought as a columnist and commentator, Dr. Mohler has been quoted in the nation’s leading newspapers, including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and The Washington Post, and has appeared on national news programs.

A native of Lakeland, Florida, Dr. Mohler was a faculty scholar at Florida Atlantic University before receiving his BA from Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama. He holds an MDiv and PhD (in systematic and historical theology) from Southern Seminary. He has pursued additional study at the St. Meinrad School of Theology and has done research at Oxford University. Dr. Mohler also serves as the Joseph Emerson Brown Professor of Christian Theology at Southern Seminary.

His writings have been published throughout the United States and Europe. In addition to contributing to a number of collected volumes, he is the author of several books, including Culture Shift: Engaging Current Issues with Timeless Truth, Desire & Deceit: The Real Cost of the New Sexual Tolerance, Atheism Remix: A Christian Confronts the New Atheists, He Is Not Silent: Preaching in a Postmodern World, and the forthcoming The Disappearance of God: Dangerous Beliefs in the New Spiritual Openness. Dr. Mohler has served on several influential committees and has lectured across the country.


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