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Finding Our Way Again: The Return of the Ancient Practices


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Shines a practical light on the spiritual disciplines that have been in use since the time of Abraham.

In a sense, every day of our lives is labor. It is questionable if you can ever be exactly the same person waking up on two consecutive days. How are spiritual sojourners to cope with the constant change? Many are beginning to explore the ancient Christian spiritual practices that have been in use for centuries, everything from fixed-hour prayer to fasting to sincere observance of the Sabbath. What is causing this hunger for deeper spirituality?

Brian McLaren guides us on this quest for an explanation of these spiritual practices, many of which go all the way back to Abraham and the establishment of Israel. In the midst of contemporary Christianity, we discover the beauty of these ancient disciplines and the transformation through Christ that each can provide.

Why have certain spiritual disciplines been in use for centuries and why is it important?

It is questionable if one can ever be exactly the same person waking up on two consecutive days. How are spiritual sojourners to cope with the constant change? Many are beginning to explore the ancient Christian spiritual practices, such as fixed-hour prayer, fasting and sincere observance of the Sabbath. What is causing this hunger for deeper spirituality?

Brian McLaren guides us on this quest for an explanation of these spiritual practices, many of which go all the way back to Abraham and the establishment of Israel. In the midst of contemporary Christianity, we discover the beauty of these disciplines and the transformation through Christ that each can provide.

Top Highlights

“He replied, ‘I think it’s because Buddhism presents itself as a way of life, and Christianity presents itself as a system of belief. So I would want to get Christian ministers thinking about how to rediscover their own faith as a way of life, because that’s what people are searching for today. That’s what they need most.’” (source)

“Spiritual practices are ways of becoming awake and staying awake to God—that’s the third reason.” (source)

“Both the strugglers and the comfortable, then, need to mind the gap between the character they want to have and the character they are actually developing, which is reason number 1 for investing energy in a book like this. Spiritual practices are actions within our power that help us narrow the gap.” (source)

“You can’t take an epidural shot to ease the pain of giving birth to character.” (source)

“Much of what we’ll explore in this series of books will involve restoring a kind of sacred normalcy to the rhythms of life—making prayer ordinary in our daily schedule or annual calendar; making generosity normal, normative, and habitual so that it is done automatically; making regular time for rest every single week whether we feel we need it or not, as a matter of routine; practicing simplicity instead of consumption; countering violence with peacemaking.” (source)

Product Details

  • Title : Finding Our Way Again: The Return of the Ancient Practices
  • Authors:
    • McLaren, Brian D.
    • Tickle, Phyllis
  • Publisher: Thomas Nelson
  • Publication Date: 2008
  • ISBN: 9781418572372


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