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An Exposition of Hebrews

Digital Logos Edition

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The book of Hebrews is rich with doctrine, Old Testament imagery and quotations, and practical exhortation. Pink provides one of the most comprehensive commentaries on the book of Hebrews, moving verse by verse through the book and providing both exposition and application along the way. This is a must-have for anyone preaching, teaching, or studying the book of Hebrews.

Resource Experts
  • Challenging and inspirational
  • Rich in devotional and practical truth

Top Highlights

“‘Let us run with patience the race that is set before us.’” (Page 879)

“It is true that each of us has some special form of sin to which we are most prone, and that he is more sorely tempted from one direction than another; but we think it is very clear from all which precedes our text that what the apostle has particularly in mind here is that which most seeks to hinder the exercise of faith. Let the reader ponder John 16:8, 9.” (Page 884)

“in Abel we see faith’s worship, in Enoch faith’s walk, in Noah faith’s witness.” (Page 655)

“He is ‘the same’ in His Divine person: eternal, immutable, indeficient. Being so in Himself, He is so in His office from first to last.” (Page 1148)

“The apostle is not contrasting two different stages of Christianity, an infantile and a mature; rather is he opposing, once more, the substance over against the shadows. He continues to press upon the Hebrews their need of forsaking the visible for the invisible, the typical for the antitypical.” (Page 260)

The widespread circulation of his writings after his death made him one of the most influential evangelical authors in the second half of the twentieth century.

—Iain H. Murrary

  • Title: An Exposition of Hebrews
  • Author: Arthur Walkington Pink
  • Publisher: Faithlife
  • Print Publication Date: 2005
  • Logos Release Date: 2005
  • Era: era:contemporary
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Logos Research Edition
  • Subject: Bible. N.T. Hebrews › Commentaries
  • Resource ID: LLS:AWP-EXPHEB
  • Resource Type: Bible Commentary
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2022-02-23T22:43:57Z
Arthur Walkington Pink

A. W. Pink (1886–1952) pastored churches in the United States and Australia for most of his working life. At the age of 24, Pink experienced an evangelical conversion and crossed the Atlantic from Great Britain to study at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. But after only six weeks, he left to take up a pastoral ministry during which he found his way to a strictly Calvinistic position in theology.

In 1922, Pink produced a monthly magazine entitled Studies in the Scriptures which circulated among English-speaking Christians worldwide. Pink devoted his life to the study and exposition of the Scriptures and became the author, also under the name Arthur Walkington Pink, of numerous books which the Banner of Truth Trust began publishing after Pink’s death.

Articles, books, tracts, and pamphlets, including the notable Exposition of Hebrews and The Nature of God, can be found in the A. W. Pink Collection (40 vols.). Also available from Logos are The Godhood of God, Why Four Gospels?, The Divine Inspiration of the Bible, and The Law and the Saint.


2 ratings

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  1. Brandon



    Such a good work on Hebrews. Consult some good recent works but don't leave behind Pink. He has some great contributions and amazing insights that are faithful to the text. I'll never forget his exposition on Hebrews 6:1-4.
  2. Daniel M. Mandery


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