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Praying with Jesus: Reset My Prayer Life


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Jesus is praying, but are we praying with Him?

We may pray because Jesus told us to pray, or because He modeled prayer. Maybe we pray when situations are desperate. Prayer is the right thing to do, but there is so much more to this mysterious conversation, this divine opportunity.

Scripture tells us that Jesus lives to make intercession; He lives to pray! If you listen closely, you’ll hear what He is praying for: the burdens of your heart, the needs of your life—the Savior is praying for you.

Jesus made a vulnerable request at the darkest hour of His life, asking His friends to pray with Him. But instead of praying, they fell asleep. Prayer is primarily relational. Jesus talks to God on our behalf, but is He praying alone? What would it mean if we joined Jesus in prayer.

Praying with Jesus will RESET your prayer life.

Genuine prayer is not a religious ritual for Christians to practice a few times each day. Prayer is a relationship God has with His children in which we talk with our heavenly Father. Prayer is a time for us to enter the presence of the Creator and Ruler of the universe to understand what is on His mind and heart. Prayer is a holy privilege made possible by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on our behalf.

When God calls His people to return to Him and they respond in repentance and united prayer, God is able to bring the revival He desires of us. When God’s people begin to pray for the kingdom work of bringing the lost to Christ, God calls many as laborers in His harvest. Our nation and the world have reached a desperate point, and again we need to hear God’s call to explicit agreement through visible union in extraordinary prayer. Let’s learn to pray together and join God’s work of transforming our nation and our world for His glory.

- Claude King Discipleship Specialist, Lifeway 
God is calling us to pray with persistence toward His purposes being fulfilled in our communities in our generation. It is no longer sufficient to pray transactional prayers with a focus on emergencies and momentary needs. Narcissistic praying is inevitably boring. The small victories won in narrow self-interested praying pale in comparison to the transformational power of prayer that changes us, our families and churches, as well as whole communities. God is inviting us to join Him in cosmic purposes that have an eternal impact. If we respond to the call, we will discover ourselves in the midst of the once-in- history finishing of the Great Commission, in the spirit of the Great Commandment, out of the energy of prayer, the Great Commitment.

- P. Douglas Small National Prayer Coordinator, Church of God 

Product Details

  • Title : Praying with Jesus: Reset My Prayer Life
  • Publisher: Broadstreet Publishing Group, LLC
  • Publication Date: 2016
  • ISBN: 9781424551224

The Great Commandment Network is an international collaborative network of strategic kingdom leaders from the faith community, marketplace, education, and caregiving fields who prioritize the powerful simplicity of the words of Jesus to love God, love others, and see others become His followers (Matthew 22:37–40, Matthew 28:19–20).


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