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Logos 5: Timesaving Tips



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For the latest version of training from Morris Proctor—built for Logos 7—see here.

Don’t have the latest version of Logos Bible Software? Get up-to-date with Logos Bible Software Basic—free.

At least two types of drivers exist in cities: visitors and locals. Visitors stay on the main roads waiting in traffic and at traffic signals. Locals bypass traffic, taking timesaving shortcuts. Both arrive at their destinations, one just a bit faster. Likewise, with Logos Bible Software, you can stay on the routine routes or take the shortcuts. Both get the job done, but one is far more efficient.

Morris Proctor, the authorized trainer of Logos Bible Software, is definitely a local. He knows the ins and outs of Logos, so he can get you where you want to go, quicker and easier. MP Seminars is pleased to announce the release of Logos Timesaving Tips.

With more than 100 short videos displayed right in your Logos Bible Software, Morris equips you to use timesaving shortcuts in your daily use of Logos. His clear, down-to-earth teaching style along with enhanced video screenshots will have you maneuvering the back roads of Logos in no time at all.

You’ll learn to:

  • Keep the homepage closed when you clear the screen
  • Prioritize multiple books at once
  • Update a layout with a shortcut
  • Open books without going to the library
  • Organize favorites
  • Create your own shortcuts for highlighting text
  • And much more!

Not only is Morris the authorized trainer of Logos, he uses the software for his own Bible study and sermon preparation. Many of the timesaving shortcuts come right out of his personal use of Logos. You’re getting a glimpse into his own application of the software!

While these tips are not designed to completely train you in Logos, by utilizing many of these shortcuts you’ll be working with Logos like never before. The more tips you use, the more time you’ll save!

Key Features

  • 100+ timesaving tips to enhance your use of Logos Bible Software
  • Downloadable resource integrates with your Logos library
  • Screen highlights and callouts make it easy to follow instructions
  • Pause when you need to—work at your own pace


  • Home Page—7
  • Guides—7
  • Bible Facts—5
  • Text Comparison—1
  • Timeline—2
  • Library—5
  • Tagging—2
  • Opening Books —4
  • Command Box—1
  • Shortcuts Bar—4
  • Reading Books—19
  • Highlighting—3
  • Managing the Screen—7
  • Bookmarks—4
  • Favorites—3
  • Layouts—2
  • Cross References—3
  • Searching—15
  • Documents—4
  • Bibliography—2
  • Clippings—4
  • Notes—1
  • Passage List—3
  • Prayer List—2
  • Reading Plan—1
  • Visual Filter—1
  • Word List—1

Numbers listed indicate the number of video segments in each section.

Product Details

  • Title: Logos Timesaving Tips
  • Author: Morris Proctor
  • Publisher: MP|Seminars
  • Publication Date: 2014
  • Version: Logos 5

About Morris Proctor

Morris Proctor is the certified and authorized trainer for Logos Bible Software. He has been a pastor and expository teacher for more than 20 years. Logos Bible Software revolutionized his personal study so he is now devoting his time through his company, Morris Proctor Seminars, to train Logos users to realize its full potential. Morris has written several Quick Reference Training Manuals and conducted training seminars and sales demonstrations around the country. He has trained hundreds of users from beginners to advanced including pastors, Christian educators, military chaplains, professors, students, and more.

Morris Proctor

Morris Proctor was the certified and authorized trainer for Logos Bible Software for over 25 years. He also pastored and taught for more than 20 years. Logos Bible Software revolutionized his personal study and he devoted his time through his company, MP Seminars, to train Logos users to realize its full potential. Morris wrote several Quick Reference Training Manuals and conducted training seminars and sales demonstrations around the country. He was responsible for training hundreds of users from beginners to advanced including pastors, Christian educators, military chaplains, professors, students, and more.


5 ratings

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  1. Glenn



    Ricky Daugherty, I just saw this post--though it's 4 years old :) Morris Proctor does an OUTSTANDING job of training Logos users, though his materials are a bit pricey. I am planning on taking the plunge and purchasing his monthly subscription package for awhile to glean all that I missed when I went to Camp Logos 1 and 2. With that said, however, John Falhee (a former Logos employee) also offers training at a fraction of the cost. Here is his website: https://www.learnlogos.com
  2. Brian Smith

    Brian Smith


  3. Andy Anderson

    Andy Anderson


    I absolutely love my Logos Bible Software! I started with 2.0, then onto 3.0, 4.0, and now 5.0 From Scholar's to Diamond, plus additional resources along the way. People try to compare this company with ministry. That is the same as comparing an apple to an orange. This company is a business first, and it cost's a lot of money to design and implement the features and benefits within the program. They have high end programmers, customer service, designers, Biblical Scholar's, and a Leadership team to direct the ship. I am so amazed as to how much the software has changed from when I purchased my first package, and Bob Pritchett is never satisfied, constantly improving the software to become even more intuitive than it is. Training is available on the website, with training tips being offered for free on your homepage of the software. If you were to receive training for free, they would have to incorporate the costs of that training in the base packages. There is no such thing as a free lunch. The key third party trainers are Morris Proctor http://www.mpseminars.com/ and John Fallahee. http://www.learnlogos.com/Default.asp Invest in your training, to maximize the use of this wonderful tool. I have attended quite a few Camp Logos events, and also purchased training materials from learnlogos.com Make it a priority, as it will pay great dividends. I am grateful to the people at Logos Bible Software, that have dedicated their lives to provide software packages all over the world. It is a high-end product and that is their niche. If you cannot afford it, then use some of the other options listed below.
  4. Dr.DerrickGibson
    Well I just recently upgraded from Verbum to Portfolio base packages because I love it so much. It has such a wealth of information that I do not see how I could live without it. Yes esword is a nice public domain program but they do not have all the extra resources that Logos Bible Software has. I have nothing but accolades for Logos Bible Software and their constant work to keep it up to date as well as they can. Maybe you can make creative suggestions to there coding team that would help in the near future instead of just complaining about them. I believe that they have a "contact us" tab on there website. Click on that and voice your opinions and see if that will get you anywhere sir. In Jesus name I hope God blesses you sir!
  5. Dwight Wood

    Dwight Wood


    Mike. You can get the information for free (included in the price of your software) by going to the help menu and looking up "shortcut." The difference is that Morris makes it easier watching a video. Honestly, the employees of Logos have to provide for their families and I guess, so does Morris. I am not sure what doing missionary work in a deep third world country has to do with it. God Bless!
  6. Jim Vega

    Jim Vega


    Thank you Logos for the two videos. They provided a very useful shortcut that I shall use often. Love the text comparison preview shortcut. I have used the Logos Bible Software for many years (since v 2 ?) and find that the software has become a more powerful tool with each new release.The indexing and databases are incredible - all my resources cross referenced saves me time and provides mind blowing results. Yes there are many undocumented features and shortcuts but with the free training videos, webinars, blogs and the wiki site alot can be learned.
  7. Robert Skiffer
  8. David West

    David West


    Love the F7 shortcut! I will use it often. Thanks Morris
  9. Jeffery Ferrell
    I noticed Mike that in your critique, you didn't mention all of the free books that Logos gives away? You also know that you're free to use print resources or another software? Reading your rant is almost like listening to someone complain about the cost of a Mercedes Benz. On one level its just a car, but if you can't afford that particular car buy the one that you can! IJS!
  10. mike



    Not only Logos' books are expensive for average Christians who understand what financial stewardship is, Logos would like to milk us dry by selling these "stuffs" with over the top pricing. Business is business, but when you mix business and Christianity .. THIS is what happens. Business is always on top. Whoever manage the pricing on these stuffs, I CHALLENGE YOU to do missionary work at deep third world country for 2 years... and come back work at Logos again. see what happen with your perspective then.. shame.... I want to recommend Logos to "Christians", but thinking about the price at Logos.. I'd consider myself tempting them with "sin".
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