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Products>Baker Pauline Studies Collection (37 vols.)

Baker Pauline Studies Collection (37 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $1,177.63
Save $255.64 (21%)
Starting at $63.61/mo at checkout


The Baker Studies on Paul Collection presents 37 volumes on the life, letters, and legacy of one of the most influential figures of the early Church. The collection includes exegetical commentaries and studies on Paul’s conversion, missionary travels, and theological contributions, as well as works about the historical and cultural context in which the letters were written. With this multifaceted collection, you can go deeper into your study of the Pauline Epistles.

Resource Experts
  • Studies Paul’s life, conversion, teaching, and travels
  • Examines the Pauline Epistles in their literary, ancient, and modern contexts
  • Analyzes specific aspects of Paul’s theology
  • Title: Baker Studies on Paul Collection
  • Publisher: Baker
  • Volumes: 37
  • Pages: 13,838
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1 rating

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  1. C.J. Scott

    C.J. Scott


    Managed to get this at a great price so don't miss out on the deal. you get BECNT which deal with Paul's letters and some brilliant studies. The Understanding the Bible Commentaries are really excellent too.


Collection value: $1,177.63
Save $255.64 (21%)
Starting at $63.61/mo at checkout