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The Complete Husband


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Sure, many books on the market seem to speak to this issue. However, none of them has ever "put it all together" in one volume in an easy to understand and scripturally sound way--until now. The Complete Husband by Lou Priolo is the ground-breaking book that Christian men have been waiting for. In it, the author turns his years of biblical counseling wisdom to the subject of being a husband. But not just any husband. Rather, the husband that the Lord Jesus Christ wants all Christian men to be. The author reminds men that if they wished their wives came with an owner's manual, they did; it's called the Bible! Far from giving men carte blanche to order their wives around, Priolo shows men how the Bible instructs them to "know their wives." After all, wives have dreams, goals, desires--and sorrows, just like men. It is the husband's job to find out what they are and "cultivate" his wife so that she becomes spiritually fertile. The author reminds his readers that pleasing their wives does not automatically equate to the sexual arena. Men must think in terms of the whole relationship, the whole person. However, since he is aware that sexual relations is part of the blueprint God created for marriage, he devotes an entire chapter to the subject. Above all, Priolo stresses that it is biblical thinking that leads to tender actions, that in turn leads to complete fulfillment in the marriage bond.

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Top Highlights

“For both, then, entrance into marriage should mean the desire to meet each other’s need for companionship. Love in marriage focuses upon giving one’s spouse the companionship he/she needs to eliminate loneliness.” (Page 18)

“I can tell you without any fear of contradiction or oversimplification that the root cause of all marriage conflicts is selfishness.” (Page 91)

“When you allow the fear of your wife’s rejection to keep you from loving her by not revealing to her what is biblically necessary for her to know about you, you’re being selfish. You are, at that moment, more concerned about how such a revelation may hurt you than you are concerned about how it may help your wife. When you fail to love your wife (your closest neighbor) in this way, you simultaneously fail to love God, and you thus break the first and second greatest commandments (to love God and your neighbor—cf. Matt. 22:35–40).” (Page 21)

“One of the keys to keeping the romance in your marriage and not taking your wife for granted is to never stop courting her.” (Page 170)

“Like AIDS, pride blinds you not only to itself, but to every other sin tucked away in the recesses of your heart and life. It causes you to hate correction and reproof. It hides your sin from you, it justifies your sin, it excuses your sin, and it keeps you from repenting of your sin. It deceives you into thinking that you’re spiritually well when, in fact, you have a deadly cancer and are in desperate need of the Great Physician’s balm.” (Pages 21–22)

Product Details

  • Title: The Complete Husband
  • Author: Lou Priolo
  • Publisher: Calvary Press
  • Publication Date: 1999
  • Pages: 292


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  1. hubert.williams
  2. Scott S. Scheurich
  3. CHL



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