Nearly 65 percent of the world’s unreached people groups live in India (1.2 billion people) and the 11 countries surrounding it—comprising nearly 50 percent of the world’s population. This is where Central India Christian Mission (CICM) has planted more than 1,400 churches and where 400,000 people worship on a given Sunday. Founded by Ajai Lall and his wife Indu more than 30 years ago, CICM is igniting movements throughout the region. In Igniting Movements, Lall and CICM leader Josh Howard chronicle the journey toward church multiplication through riveting stories of facing religious persecution, practical leadership insights and multiplication principles that continue to reproduce churches in some of the world’s darkest places. Showing how we can reach the world’s population with the gospel in less than 20 years, Igniting Movements offers encouragement, wisdom, and inspiration to planters regardless of your context or culture.