This e-book is an excerpt (six chapters) from Granger Community Church’s 2012 book,Vision: Lost and Found: The Story of a Church That Got Stuck but Didn’t Stay There (Exponential Series) by Tim Stevens. In this excerpt, Stevens focuses on the evolution in thinking that he and other Granger Community Church leaders went through as they evaluated both missional and attractional approaches to doing and being the church. In February 2010, Granger leaders looked at each other and asked a hard question: Is the sheer number of “unchurched” people in our area any less than it was 25 years ago before Granger existed? That question set the stage for what would eventually define the church’s well-known transition to “both/and,” choosing to be both attractional and missional. Stevens offers an in-depth look at both missional and attractional approaches and gives us an insider look at why and how he and Granger leaders wrestled with both. Included is a mini-glossary of terms central to the missional movement.