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The River: A Novel

ISBN: 9781401688493


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“The River is a story that will transform how you see yourself and the world.” —Andy Andrews, New York Times best-selling author of The Noticer, The Traveler’s Gift, and How Do You Kill 11 Million People?

“You were made for The River . . .”

Gabriel Clarke is mysteriously drawn to The River, a ribbon of frothy white water carving its way through steep canyons high in the Colorado Rockies. The rushing waters beckon him to experience freedom and adventure.

But something holds him back—the memory of the terrible event he witnessed on The River when he was just five years old—something no child should ever see.

Chains of fear and resentment imprison Gabriel, keeping him from discovering the treasures of The River. He remains trapped, afraid to take hold of the life awaiting him.

When he returns to The River after years away, his heart knows he is finally home. His destiny is within reach. Claiming that destiny will be the hardest—and bravest—thing he has ever done.

“Michael Neale’s The River gently sweeps readers along like a leaf in a current as Gabriel struggles with beginning a new life after a terrible loss. Throughout this artfully crafted story is a genu ine sense of The River as a force of nature to be reckoned with, respected and learned from.” ---Bookpage Review

“Neale’s novel is a powerful allegory about faith in something more powerful and mysterious than oneself . . . Neale evokes a relation ship between his protagonist and nature as real as any Gabriel has with the people around him as he learns that by trusting The River to guide him, he will end up where he is meant to be. The River is not without its rough patches, enabling Neale to illustrate how it is in the toughest situations that we find our way.” ---Booklist Review

“Neale’s novel is filled with likeable characters, and The River itself is one of them, suffused with mystery and power. This is a gentle, nostalgic story that should draw in many readers with its heartwarming tone.” ---CBA Retailers and Resources

Product Details

  • Title : The River
  • Author: Neale, Michael
  • Publisher: Thomas Nelson
  • Publication Date: 2012
  • ISBN: 9781401688493


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