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Products>Spiritual Shipwreck on the Horizon: Exhorting Christians to Contend for the Faith and Comprehend the Deceitfulness of Sin

Spiritual Shipwreck on the Horizon: Exhorting Christians to Contend for the Faith and Comprehend the Deceitfulness of Sin

ISBN: 9781532687358


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This book addresses the spiritual shipwreck of faith that is taking place and is accelerating in these last days before Christ returns. In the last days, perilous times will come because men will love themselves more than God. Christians must understand that in these last days many are heading for spiritual shipwreck through a compromise of Scripture. Knowledge is the wherewithal that will enable us to recognize the deceitfulness of sin, to encourage us to earnestly contend for the faith, and show us how to avoid spiritual shipwreck. If we are not aware of the warning signs of sin, we will be seduced by the temptations of this world to abandon our faith walk. It doesn't happen overnight; it is like a drip of water that keeps dripping until it becomes a puddle, then a pool, then a lake, and then an ocean. Leaven starts off microscopic until it has leavened or corrupted the whole. If we allow a little lethargy, compromise, or seduction in our life, we will not contend for the faith. As we are aware, watchful, and clothed in God's full armor, we will not be shipwrecked no matter how deceitful sin may be.

“R. C. Jette, with the pen of the Lord, has brought forth another biblical teaching. Man thought the Titanic was unsinkable. This book is meant to teach that Christians are not unsinkable. Our protection against disaster is to contend for the faith. We can be tempted by the deceitfulness of sin, but we don’t have to surrender. In the pages of this book we will be enlightened to sin’s deception and how to avoid shipwreck.”

—Paul A. Jette, Reverend

“R. C. Jette, with the pen of the Lord, has brought forth another biblical teaching. Man thought the Titanic was unsinkable. This book is meant to teach that Christians are not unsinkable. Our protection against disaster is to contend for the faith. We can be tempted by the deceitfulness of sin, but we don’t have to surrender. In the pages of this book we will be enlightened to sin’s deception and how to avoid shipwreck.”

—Paul A. Jette, Reverend

Product Details

  • Title : Spiritual Shipwreck on the Horizon: Exhorting Christians to Contend for the Faith and Comprehend the Deceitfulness of Sin
  • Author: Jette, R. C.
  • Publisher: Resource Publications
  • Publication Date: 2019
  • ISBN: 9781532687358

R. C. Jette is a Christian author with a Bachelor in Theology, a Master in Biblical Studies, and an honorary Doctor of Divinity. Previous books published by Wipf and Stock Publishers can be found at her author page: amazon.com/author/rcjette and the author’s website: rcjette-author.com.

The author and her husband, Paul, live in sunny Florida. They have three adult children, four living grandchildren, and one granddaughter, Sarah, with the Lord.


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