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Grace Theological Journal Volume 6

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Grace Theological Journal, Volume 6.

Top Highlights

“The fourth view, that only the elect, those destined for eternal blessings, are recorded in the book, is the only answer that is consistent with the biblical data. This answer is required (1) by the fact that the other alternatives have been shown to be invalid, (2) by the biblical assertions that one’s eternal destiny is determined by the presence or absence of his name in the book of life (Rev 20:15 and 21:27), and (3) by the answers to the other questions addressed in this article.” (Volume 6, Number 2, Page 225)

“The commonest explanation among premillennialists is that there is one new covenant. It will be fulfilled eschatologically with Israel but is participated in soteriologically by the church today. By this explanation the biblical distinction between national Israel and the church is recognized, the unconditional character of Jeremiah’s prophecy which made no provision for any forfeiture by Israel is maintained, and the clear relationship of certain NT references to the church and the New Covenant are upheld.” (Volume 6, Number 2, Page 297)

“It indicates that future sacrifices will have nothing to do with eternal salvation which only comes through true faith in God. It also indicates that future animal sacrifices will be ‘efficacious’ and ‘expiatory’ only in terms of the strict provision for ceremonial (and thus temporal) forgiveness within the theocracy of Israel. Thus, animal sacrifices during the coming Kingdom age will not be primarily memorial (like the eucharist in church communion services), any more than sacrifices in the age of the Old Covenant were primarily prospective or prophetic in the understanding of the offerer.” (Volume 6, Number 2, Page 210)

  • Title: Grace Theological Journal Volume 6
  • Author: Grace Seminary
  • Series: Grace Theological Journal
  • Publisher: Grace Seminary
  • Print Publication Date: 1985
  • Logos Release Date: 2009
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Logos Research Edition
  • Subject: Theology › Periodicals
  • Resource ID: LLS:gs_gtj_06
  • Resource Type: Journal
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2025-01-10T22:50:48Z


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