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Best Dad Jokes Ever


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Dad: My wife keeps telling to stop pretending to be butter 
 ....but I'm on a roll.

Dad: I asked a Frenchman if he play video games
 ....He said, "Wii."

I’m reading a book about anti-gravity.
It’s impossible to put down.

Did you know the first French fries weren’t actually cooked in France?
They were cooked in Greece.

Wanna hear a joke about a piece of paper?
Never mind... it’s tearable.

The next time your young comedian is looking to serve up priceless entertainment, share Best. Dad Jokes. Ever.

Get ready for knee slaps, groans, and please-stop moments as you navigate through these dad jokes that take funny to a new level.

If you think you’ve heard every dad joke in the book, think again. Best. Dad Jokes. Ever. is sure to have you laughing out loud, even if you don’t want to. 

Product Details

  • Title : Best Dad Jokes Ever
  • Author: Grace, Chantelle
  • Publisher: Broadstreet Publishing Group, LLC
  • Publication Date: 2018
  • ISBN: 9781424558803

CHANTELLE GRACE is a witty wordsmith who loves music, art, and competitive games. She is also fascinated by God’s intricate design of the human body. As a recent graduate from The University of Auckland with a degree in Nursing, she knows it’s important to share the gift of laughter with those around her. While she grew up in the frozen tundra of Minnesota, she currently resides in the beautiful country of New Zealand where she works as a registered nurse.


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