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Products>Perplexing Scriptures Explained: 1 Samuel 28:3–19

Perplexing Scriptures Explained: 1 Samuel 28:3–19

Digital Logos Edition

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Seekers and veteran members alike are often discouraged and even derailed by difficulties in the Bible—Old Testament passages that appear to encourage violence, instructions on gender roles that seem antiquated or sexist, complicated end-time prophecies, and other such parts of Scriptures prove an interpretive challenge, even for longtime SDAs. Encountering such passages, they turn to pastors, lay elders, and Sabbath school teachers—who are expected to provide credible answers. In this resource, top SDA theologians at the Biblical Research Institute confront some of the most perplexing and commonly misunderstood passages in the Bible, offering helpful insights for understanding and teaching these difficult verses.

Resource Experts

Ángel Manuel Rodríguez is part-time associate director of the Biblical Research Institute, having retired from leading that organization. Previously he was president of Antillian College and the academic vice president of Southwestern Adventist University. He earned his ThD in biblical theology from Andrews University. His special research interests include Old Testament, Sanctuary and Atonement, and Old Testament Theology. He has written several books, and authors a monthly column in Adventist World.


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