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Products>What Is He Thinking?? What Guys Want Us to Know About Dating, Love, and Marriage

What Is He Thinking?? What Guys Want Us to Know About Dating, Love, and Marriage

ISBN: 9781455506514


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In What Was He Thinking??, Rebecca interviews a range of men from high-profile types to the guys next door, men that every woman can relate to. Although the interviews focus on single guys ages 20-35, Rebecca also includes words of wisdom from older mentors she respects who have been successfully married for years, such as her dad, life coach, and pastor.

The men share their thoughts on topics like how women can respect themselves and the men in their lives, modesty, purity, taking it slow, friendship, letting guys lead, and more. This book gives them the floor to say what they would really like women to know.

The men respond candidly to questions like:

  • What is the most attractive quality to you in a woman?
  • Is modesty truly attractive?
  • Is neediness a turn-off?
  • What do you find beautiful?
  • How can we be dependent on God for our identity, not on you?
  • How can we help you with boundaries physically?

Rebecca also discusses her own dating life, speaking openly about the single life, her struggle with loneliness, and her hope for the future. She challenges women to see the men in their lives as brothers in Christ and to trust God with their dating lives.

Product Details

  • Title : What Is He Thinking??: What Guys Want Us to Know About Dating, Love, and Marriage
  • Author: St. James, Rebecca
  • Publisher: FaithWords
  • Publication Date: 2011
  • ISBN: 9781455506514

Australian born Rebecca St. James is a Grammy Award winner and a multiple Dove Award recipient, with international success that has driven her record sales into the millions. In January 2008, she was named Favorite Female Artist in Contemporary Christian Music by readers of CCM Magazine for the seventh consecutive year. Rebecca also won Best Female Artist of 2007 from Christianitytoday.com-her fifth consecutive year to be given this honor. She's been involved in several film productions and voiced the character of Hope the Angel in VeggieTales' bestselling DVD production The Easter Carol. You can read more about Rebecca on her official website: www.rsjames.com or on her Facebook page, www.facebook.com/RSJames.


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