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Success 101: What Every Leader Should Know


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John C. Maxwell details how success is different for every person, but the principles for the journey don't change.

In this insightful yet easy-to-read book, New York Times bestselling author John C. Maxwell distills success down to its essential components to show leaders exactly what success looks like and what specific steps they can take to achieve it for themselves.

He also offers practical insights for overcoming the most common obstacles that hinder success--so you can reap all the rewards without suffering the consequences of the leaders who went before you.

Success 101 helps you reach your goals by presenting you with essential questions to consider as you journey through your leadership career, including:

  • What direction should I go?
  • How well do I work with people?
  • Do others find me trustworthy?
  • Am I willing to do the tough jobs?
  • Am I ready to step up my game?
  • and Am I ready to lead at the next level?

Filled with tangible real-world examples, Success 101 will not only help you bread personal success, but it will teach you how to pass it on to those closest to you and everyone you lead.

Product Details

  • Title : Success 101: What Every Leader Should Know
  • Author: Maxwell, John C.
  • Publisher: HarperCollins Leadership
  • Publication Date: 2008
  • ISBN: 9781418568153
John C. Maxwell

John Calvin Maxwell (born 1947) is an evangelical Christian author, speaker, and pastor who has written more than 50 books, primarily focusing on leadership. Titles include The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership and The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader: Becoming the Person Others Will Want to Follow. His books have sold more than twelve million copies, with some on the New York Times Best Seller List, and translations in over fifty languages.


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