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The Book of Mysteries

, 2016
ISBN: 9781629989426


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New York Times Best Seller!
1500 5-Star Reviews!
From the author that brought you NEW YORK TIMES best selling books The Harbinger, The Mystery of the Shemitah, and The Paradigm with over 3 MILLION copies sold

Imagine if you discovered a treasure chest in which were hidden ancient mysteries, revelations from heaven, secrets of the ages, the answers to man’s most enduring, age-old questions, and the hidden keys that can transform your life to joy, success, and blessing…This is The Book of Mysteries.

Jonathan Cahn, who caused a national and international stir with the New York Times best-seller The Harbinger and then The Mystery of the Shemitah, now brings us a treasure chest inside of which are contained some of the greatest mysteries of all time. The reader will discover life-transforming secrets, mind-blowing realities, and heart-changing revelations in such mysteries as the Face in the Waters, the Leper King, the Land of Gezarah, the Secret of the Third Prince, the House of Spirits, the Mystery of the Rains, How to Alter Your Past, the Second Scroll, the Similitude, the Mystery of the Eighth Day, and much more. The Book of Mysteries takes the readers on a journey of divine revelation through ancient Scriptures, the laws of Creation, the deep of God’s Word, the hidden streams of history, the most important keys of spiritual truth, end-time mysteries, and the secrets of life.

The Book of Mysteries opens up with a traveler and his encounter with a man known only as “the teacher.” The teacher takes him an on odyssey through desert mountains, valleys, gardens and plains, encounters with nomadic tent dwellers, caverns and ancient ruins, chambers of scrolls and vessels, and more. The reader is taken along to partake in the journey and in all the teachings and revelations. The traveler keeps a journal in which he writes down each of the mysteries given to him by the teacher in his one-year odyssey—365 different mysteries—one for each day of the year. Thus, on top of everything else, The Book of Mysteries is also a daily devotional unlike any other. And each mystery contains a special mission for each day of the year, a mission that takes the revelation and applies it to reality for a life-changing journey.

Top Highlights

“‘when you walk against the Spirit, it creates a drag on your life. Everything you do becomes harder. It takes more energy to do less. So when you go against His Spirit, you’re fighting against the Wind. And you can’t walk against the direction of the Wind without getting weary and worn out.’” (source)

“The kharoset and bitter herbs represent bondage and suffering. And what was the betrayal? It was the delivering of Messiah over to bondage and suffering.” (source)

“The Spirit is the Holy Spirit. Therefore, it blows in the direction of the holy, and blows against the direction of the unholy.” (source)

“‘Only by opening yourself up can you come to know that which you don’t already know. And only by becoming an open vessel can you contain that which is greater than yourself. The truth is always greater than our knowing. Your mind and heart are finite, clay jars. But the truth has no end. God has no end. The Eternal is infinite . . . always flowing.’” (source)

“The door is not the temptation, nor the sin. It’s that which would lead you to the temptation and the sin. That’s the key. Make it your aim not only to avoid the temptation. Locate the door to the temptation and then stay as far away from it as possible. For it is the wise who, instead of dealing with temptation and sin, deal with doors.” (source)

Product Details

  • Title : The Book of Mysteries
  • Author: Cahn, Jonathan
  • Publisher: Frontline
  • Publication Date: 2016
  • ISBN: 9781629989426
Jonathan Cahn, que causó un revuelo nacional e internacional con el superventas del New York Times, EL presagio y El misterio del Shemitá, abre ahora un asombroso cofre del tesoro que contiene los misterios de los tiempos.  Jonathan Cahn lidera Hope of the World Ministries, un alcance internacional de enseñanza, evangelísmo y proyectos de compasión para los necesitados.  También dirige Jerusalem Center/Beth Israel, un centro de adoración formado por judíos, gentiles, y personas de todo trasfondo, a las afueras de la ciudad de Nueva York, en Wayne, Nueva Jersey.  Es un orador muy solicitado en América y otras partes del mundo.

Jonathan Cahn, who caused a national and international stir with the New York Times best-seller The Harbinger and then The Mystery of the Shemitah, now brings us a treasure chest inside of which are contained some of the greatest mysteries of all time. The reader will discover life-transforming secrets, mind-blowing realities, and heart-changing revelations in such mysteries as the Face in the Waters, the Leper King, the Land of Gezarah, the Secret of the Third Prince, the House of Spirits, the Mystery of the Rains, How to Alter Your Past, the Second Scroll, the Similitude, the Mystery of the Eighth Day, and much more. The Book of Mysteries takes the readers on a journey of divine revelation through ancient Scriptures, the laws of Creation, the deep of God’s Word, the hidden streams of history, the most important keys of spiritual truth, end-time mysteries, and the secrets of life.


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  1. Kenute P. Curry
    Very interesting.


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