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Gregory of Nyssa: The Life of Moses

Gregory of Nyssa: The Life of Moses

The Life of Moses has special significance because it reflects Gregory’s “spiritual sense” of the Scriptures. Gregory frames an immensely significant synthesis of the earlier Hellenistic and Jewish interpretive tradition in this work. He describes the spiritual ascent as taking place in three stages, symbolized by the Lord’s revelation of himself to Moses, first in light, then in the cloud and, finally, in the dark. Find new insight into the teachings of the ancient church with this translation.


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The Venerable Bede: On the Song of Songs and Selected Writings

The Venerable Bede: On the Song of Songs and Selected Writings

This volume contains the first English translation of Bede’s allegorical commentary On the Song of Songs, along with selections from his homilies, his Ecclesiastical History, and an introduction to his spirituality. Learn from ancient authors about how the Scriptures impacted their spiritual life. Scholars of biblical interpretation will benefit from a deeper knowledge of Bede’s allegorical perspective.


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Cassiodorus: Explanation of the Psalms, Volume I

Written between AD 540 and 559, Cassiodorus uses the Psalms for the purposes of instruction in theology, hermeneutics, and eloquence.


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Cassiodorus: Explanation of the Psalms, Volume II

Cassiodorus: Explanation of the Psalms, Volume II

Written between AD 540 and 559, Cassiodorus uses the Psalms for the purposes of instruction in theology, hermeneutics, and eloquence.


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Cassiodorus: Explanation of the Psalms, Volume III

Written between AD 540 and 559, Cassiodorus uses the Psalms for the purposes of instruction in theology, hermeneutics, and eloquence.


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St. Jerome: Commentary on Ecclesiastes

St. Jerome: Commentary on Ecclesiastes

This first English translation of St. Jerome’s Commentary on Ecclesiastes includes a discussion by the translators that elucidates the difficulties of Jerome’s text, but also presents an original view of Jerome’s hermeneutical approach to the theological issues raised by this challenging book of the Bible.


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St. Jerome | Origen: Commentary on Isaiah, Origen Homilies 1–9 on Isaiah

Saint Jerome is best known as the translator of the Latin Vulgate Bible. In medieval times, Jerome was declared to be one of the four great Doctors of the Latin Church. The Council of Trent spoke of him as “the greatest doctor in the explanation of Holy Scripture.” Jerome’s Commentary on Isaiah is his longest extant work and considered by many to be his magnum opus. Respected scholar Thomas P. Scheck has offered the English speaking world the first translation of Commentary on Isaiah, as well as an introduction to Saint Jerome’s life and work and translations of Origen’s homilies on Isaiah. The work is heavily indebted to the Greek exegetical tradition, especially Origen.


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Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers Second Series, Volume V

This edition of Phillip Schaff’s Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers includes the major works of Gregory of Nyssa.


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