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This Crown of Comfort: God’s Seven Calls to Women in Distress

ISBN: 9781800392083

Digital Logos Edition

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God loves women. He deeply cares for those of us who are broken and hurt. And just as he helped his beloved Jerusalem find healing in her brokenness, he does the same for us. For he cried out seven double imperatives to her in the book of Isaiah, seven steps to restore her to wholeness, and he cries out the same to us. But he doesn’t begin by scolding us; instead, he comforts. His first double imperative is, ‘Comfort, comfort,’ despite what has happened in our lives.

In This Crown of Comfort, Eva Leaf shares stories from her own life and from the lives of other women of how God met them in their brokenness.

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  • Shares stories from the author and other women of how God met them in their brokenness.
  • Studies the seven double imperatives to Jerusalem in the book of Isaiah.
  • Invites to understand how God loves women.
  • Preface
  • Introduction
  • 1 God’s first call: comfort!
  • God’s comfort: am I worth it?
  • God’s comfort: is there hope?
  • 2 God’s second call: awake! Rise up!
  • Waking up: what holds me back?
  • Waking up: where is God?
  • 3 God’s third call: awake! Get dressed!
  • Waking up: how much am I loved?
  • Waking up: what about my rags?
  • 4 God’s fourth call: depart!
  • Depart: how can I let go?
  • Depart: am I really free?
  • 5 God’s fifth call: build up!
  • Build up: can I hear God?
  • Build up: what about my heart?
  • 6 God’s sixth call: pass through!
  • Pass through: can I do it?
  • Pass through: do I have to wait?
  • 7 God’s seventh call: build up!
  • Build up: can I forgive?
  • Build up: what of those walls?
  • Notes
This is a compelling read; a book to be read slowly and reflectively – although I sometimes struggled to do that as I found myself eager to read the next chapter! The stories Eva recounts from her own life and from the lives of others are often heartbreakingly sad – but her focus isn’t on the heartbreak but on the hope and encouragement which she has gleaned from a life soaked in the truth of Scripture. I found familiar passages from Isaiah’s prophecy coming alive in fresh and transformative ways as Eva unwrapped their relevance for our lives. The opportunity for more focused reflection at the end of each chapter also helps ground what we’ve read within the reality of our own circumstances. I’m already looking forward to reading this book again – even more slowly, more reflectively.

—Mags Duggan, author, retreat leader and speaker

This Crown of Comfort conveys seven powerful messages from Isaiah about God’s tender heart towards Jerusalem. The author skillfully intertwines her many personal stories with the messages to illuminate God’s unfailing love to his people. This book is an easy read yet rich with insights, comfort and encouragement – a must for anyone who seeks healing and desires to experience God afresh.

—Anissa Chung, UKCP registered psychotherapist and supervisor

This Crown of Comfort is the wondrous feast that God prepares for us in the presence of our enemies, a feast that David speaks of in Psalm 23. How full the table is – a rich and delicious harvest that Eva Leaf has gathered from the book of Isaiah. No matter how broken we are or how hurt, God knows, and he calls us to come to him and receive and savour his love and care so that we can share that love and care with other women. A wonderful book for women to read and study together.

—Lee Merrill Byrd, author, publisher and editor

Eva Leaf became a Christian at the age of 14 and attended a Canadian Bible College in her twenties. For the last 32 years, she has been a Navigator rep and has just stepped down from leading the Navigators publications team. She lives in Warwickshire, is married and has four grown-up children. 


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