Digital Logos Edition
You can have the fact of security without the feeling of assurance if you don’t know what the Bible teaches. For example, some churches teach that if Christians sin, they immediately lose their salvation. Therefore, even though a man may be genuinely saved but loses his temper, he assumes he also loses his salvation. Regardless of how you feel or think, your eternal destination depends on the Lord. His blood shed on the cross literally bought the full forgiveness of your sins. With that purchase came a free gift—your ticket to heaven for eternity
You can have the feeling of assurance without having the fact of security if your confidence is based on anything other than biblical truth.Regardless of how you feel or think, your eternal destination depends on the Lord. His blood shed on the cross literally bought the full forgiveness of your sins. With that purchase came a free gift—your ticket to heaven for eternity
This is a Logos Reader Edition. Learn more.