Digital Logos Edition
Missiology draws from several sources. These include God’s revelation in Holy Scripture, historical creeds and theology, past and present missionary experiences, and various social sciences that help us to understand diverse cultural and religious dynamics. But how exactly do these sources relate to one another? How do we balance and prioritize the contributions of each?
Missiology and the Social Sciences answer these questions with scholarly care. On the one hand, it’s unthinkable that missionaries would not use the social sciences such as anthropology and linguistics. How else would we translate the Bible and learn about other cultures? On the other hand, some writers warn of the subtle danger that social sciences could undermine biblical authority. Cultural bias also might affect social science research and hinder our ability to discern what God is doing around us.
The contributors in this book help readers understand the debate and its many practical implications. It equips missionaries to engage the social sciences in more thoughtful ways that can bear gospel fruit.
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