Digital Logos Edition
Joseph R. Crider, experienced worship leader and dean of the School of Church Music and Worship at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, provides a guide for church worship leaders to cultivate worship services driven by God’s Word.
Scripture-Guided Worship teaches readers how to plan and prepare worship services that are grounded in and based upon the Bible.
Teaching from the Old Testament story of Uzzah and the Ark of God, Crider underscores the importance of congregational worship service in light of the transcendence and immanence of God.
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What an insightful and helpful book! I cannot imagine a pastor or worship leader (and the churches they serve) who wouldn’t be blessed, instructed, and encouraged by Scripture-Guided Worship. Many would also be both convicted and relieved by this book—convicted of their inadequate reliance on the Word of God to guide the worship in their church and relieved of the pressure to rely on themselves to arouse God’s people to worship Him. Few have Joe Crider’s combination of both the study and experience of leading congregational worship. Wise is the pastor or worship leader who will take advantage of the biblical wisdom Crider has penned in these pages.
—Donald S. Whitney, professor of biblical spirituality and associate dean at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
This book focuses on the most important thing that we can do—worship God in the way in which He delights. Joe Crider is a trained and effective scholar in issues of worship as studied in the academy. Just as important is his conviction and effectiveness as a worship pastor in the local church. In this book he explains, defends, and demonstrates the principle of ‘Scripture-Guided Worship.’ With expert theory and practical experience, he gives formal expression to a worship form that should be intuitive to every Christian minister and which he led in the local church where I am a member in Kentucky. Congregational engagement in ‘Scripture-Guided Worship’ transformed the worship time in the church. It established common commitment to a God-centered, Bible-centered, Christ-centered, Gospelcentered experience of corporate worship. Crider helps us explore the beauty and expansive possibilities embedded in the regulative principle
—Tom J. Nettles, senior professor of historical theology, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
There is nothing more important that happens on a weekly basis than when the people of God gather on Sunday for worship. Worship is the heart and the heartbeat of Christianity. Scripture-Guided Worship by my friend and colleague, Dr. Joe Crider, is one of the finest works on the subject of worship I’ve read in my entire ministry. Solidly biblical, theologically sound, practically helpful, and imminently readable, this is the book every pastor and his worship leader(s) need to read on the subject. The title says it all: Scripture-Guided Worship. So much of what goes under the umbrella of ‘worship’ today is anything but. Here in one place is the what, the why, and the how of Scripture-guided worship—diagnosis, theological foundation, and application. This is a tremendous resource. Highly recommended!
—David L. Allen, distinguished professor of preaching; George W. Truett Chair of Pastoral Ministry, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary