Digital Logos Edition
Every church and Christian organization has a leadership and administrative team. But how well is that team functioning? Feeding and Leading addresses this key component to effective ministry. Kenneth O. Gangel begins with the foundations of the administrative process and then focuses on the vocational Christian leader—pastor, president, principal, mission executive—targeting such issues as spiritual leadership, style, organization of work, goal setting, and long-range planning.
Feeding and Leading contains over forty figures that illustrate the practical principles outlined by the author. Self-evaluation questions, sample job descriptions, and other helpful tools for Christian administrators are also included.
This is a Logos Reader Edition. Learn more.
I wish I could have read this book several years ago. It probably would have saved me a great deal of pain in a very important growing process in my own life.
—Paul Cedar
A careful, biblical reminder and practical help for the practitioner--be he pastor, parachurch executive, or church leader. The author helpfully takes widely accepted management/leadership/administrative principles and examines them under the microscope of God's Word.
—Ted W. Engstrom